Lower Caddo River Clean-up, Sunday Sept 7, 2014

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Name: Cowper C
Location: Conway, AR

Re: Lower Caddo River Clean-up, Sunday Sept 7, 2014

Post by Cowper » Thu Sep 11, 2014 7:33 am

There's always time to play with the local wildlife.

Public Service Announcement:
1) Always return to exactly where you found it, unless you found it in the middle of a road or somebody is trying to kill it.
2) No, it is probably not a copperhead, moccasin, or rattlesnake, no matter what somebody just said or what it looks like. Many snakes "look" like something more dangerous as part of their defense mechanism. If you're not 100% sure, just leave it alone and everybody lives.
3) Even if it is, just like bears and other dangerous animals, you can only kill it during season.
4) There is no season. So killing it is just plain illegal.
5) Call Debo.
Trash: Get a little every time you go!

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