Motorboats at rockport!!

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Re: Motorboats at rockport!!

Post by gannon311 » Tue Jun 28, 2011 9:45 pm

we are not saying they cant go up and down.they just need a lane that is safe for them and for us to.anybody that is opposed to this..... have u ever seen a boat knock the motor off running wide open ? or even just break a steering cable ? i have and the boat goes wildly out of control. it could easily hit the sidewalk and anything else in the way.just something to think about" onclick=";return false;

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Re: Motorboats at rockport!!

Post by SteveGabbard » Wed Jun 29, 2011 9:25 am

I have never seen any of the motor boaters cautiously approach the ledge. All of the ones I have seen have been going so fast that a hard to see swimmer could not have been avoided.

Gannon, for entertainment purposes why don't you post the video?

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Re: Motorboats at rockport!!

Post by gannon311 » Wed Jun 29, 2011 12:48 pm

Steve ill try to get it up just been busy" onclick=";return false;

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Jim Krueger
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Re: Motorboats at rockport!!

Post by Jim Krueger » Wed Jun 29, 2011 12:51 pm

I think some clarification on the boats is in order. Traditional 'motor' boats have a propeller, and the 'jet' boats running up all the skinny shoals on the river are equiped with an encased impeller. The jet pumps not sticking down below the bottom of the boat, combined with speed is the operating principal that allows these boats to attain rapids that a propeller-driven craft never could. I've been around them on various parts of the Ouachita and Lower Caddo since the mid-eighties when they came into vouge in this area and seen them many times as I was kayaking or kayak-fishing.

I wouldn't mind having one of these craft one day to expand my fishing and touring horizons but I certainly can't condone anyone being reckless
and totally thoughtless with any powered craft. I too witnessed this guy the other day, I was loading kayaks when I looked up to see him gunning for the Ledge. Man, If I really needed to go up that rapid with such a group of people in the water, I'd sure first "ease' up there and visit with everyone on my intentions and ask nicely for a moment or two of clearance.

I'd urge any of you seeing another clown like last weekend to note the registration number of the boat.

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Re: Motorboats at rockport!!

Post by Deuce » Thu Jun 30, 2011 1:17 pm

I have several buddies who run john boats with jet foots (jet feet? :?: )up and down the Little Red and the White. They're handy for the shallow water, but I honestly prefer a short shaft prop assembly. I've known too many people who burned up their motors after sucking in crud. Plus, you lose a lot of power and versatility. Hijack over.
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Re: Motorboats at rockport!!

Post by SteveGabbard » Thu Jun 30, 2011 2:42 pm

A couple of more thoughts for those of you that have not driven powerboats.

#1) Remember they have no brakes. The amount of time it takes for them to stop would depend on speed, current, etc...

#2) Motor boats do not turn unless they are they are being given some throttle. i.e. you cannot kill the motor and turn the boat. That means in order to avoid someone they would need a clear area to turn into while still underway. To me that's the biggie


I once rode one from Lyle park to Mountainview road and back. I never got in a boat with that guy again. :shock:

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Re: Motorboats at rockport!!

Post by Ate My Lunch » Fri Jul 08, 2011 12:04 am

Gannon! All you need to do is put a flashing blue light on your Black & White Rockstar and the Problem's Solved!

Those motor-boatin' drunkards won't come near the ledge while your on patrol!! :beer:

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Re: Motorboats at rockport!!

Post by jackatspa » Fri Jul 08, 2011 2:52 pm

Don't make me break out the waterhose!" onclick=";return false;

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