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Victor Caballeros
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Post by Victor Caballeros » Fri Aug 07, 2009 12:41 pm

Thinking on taking by boat to the ocean and play on the waves would it worth the trouble to take it 12 hr to play
egestatem semper in angaria

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Re: Help

Post by Clif » Fri Aug 07, 2009 2:57 pm

where/what you talkin bout? Know that the gulf coast can be way iffy on waves. Depends on the weather movement. And you will need to scout out cuz some beaches have more action than others.

Read the other day about folks riding the wakes of the cargo ships near Houston/Galveston
You sure this is on the right channel?

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Re: Help

Post by turboturtle » Fri Aug 07, 2009 3:18 pm

It's going to be all work and no play because if you aren't paddling you aren't going anywhere. and you will be getting bucked around so much that it will tire you fast. I took my squirt boat down once, but I never found a beach on the Gulf side that provided anything bordering good. I think it's worth taking a kayak down once so one can realize how lucky we are to have moving water in the state. I have also heard of some who's boats pearl under during a surf that when you get into shallow enough water it can Piton on you and slam your head into the sand potentially breaking your neck. So I suggest turning to the side as you get closer inland to avoid this happening.

Have fun and good luck finding a surf that might can entertain you till you tire out.

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Victor Caballeros
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Re: Help

Post by Victor Caballeros » Fri Aug 07, 2009 3:26 pm

Thanks Clif and Bob maybe not worth the effort!! I thought it might be fun? Ill stick to sitting and swimming and :beer: until i get :crazy:

Thanks for saving me the efforts of bring a boat 1000miles
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Re: Help

Post by Cowper » Fri Aug 07, 2009 6:16 pm

turboturtle wrote:I have also heard of some who's boats pearl under during a surf that when you get into shallow enough water it can Piton on you and slam your head into the sand potentially breaking your neck.
No, if you use proper technique and tuck (a.k.a., "turtle up") as you're being thrown up and over, you won't break your neck, at least not in moderate surf. But the shells in the sand can leave some nasty marks on your back as it drags you along, and you might even be left upside down on an almost dry beach like a rolled-over, injured turtle as the wave recedes. But you can use an almost standard rolling technique to flip yourself back over from this position.

Or so I've heard.... :crazy:
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Mike B
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Re: Help

Post by Mike B » Fri Aug 07, 2009 7:57 pm

Ocean wave surfing is actually a lot of fun. You need good waves around 4 – 6 feet or bigger and a little bit of know how. I grew up near the coast and board surfing was my first experience riding the waves. I end up spending a little time out east every other year on the Outer Banks, NC, which is one of the best surfing beaches on the East Coast.

I have only been to the Gulf Coast 2 or 3 times and can’t recall any waves worth surfing. No matter your location, you really need to find a “surf break”. Surf breaks are usually caused by things like sand bars and are most active during tide changes. The Outer Banks has several surf breaks which much like rapids, change and move over time.

A few good points have been mentioned already. Don’t load your bow and flip over forwards as it can hurt. Stay tucked up until you roll back up. You can go over and sometimes through waves but you do one or the other and save your strength for paddling between waves. Waves generally come in sets of 3, 4, 5, etc.

Be aware of rip tides and undertows that will pull you out to sea and make it difficult to return to shore. Paddle towards the shore at a 45 degree angle in the direction you are being pulled to combat undertows. Rip tides have to be ridden out and paddled around.

The ACA has a course and instructor certification in ocean surfing. I plan to try and time it to hit a class one year.

Also, unlike surfing a river wave when you are sitting still, you are actually traveling quite fast in the ocean depending on the wave size. It’s similar but a totally different experience.

I think Wave Sport and Drag Rossi make special kayaks for ocean wave surfing. Be careful, have fun.

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Re: Help

Post by Scott W » Fri Aug 07, 2009 10:10 pm

I try to go to the beach on family trips every year, and some of the best times I've had the last two trips was surfin' my playboat. I met some local guys that work at the beach, most of their surf is during storms or low pressure in the gulf, they go to Chile' and hawaii or wait untill winter for their best surf. We had a few storms where they red flagged the beach and that was enough to play. But, you can catch waves w/ playboats that the surfboards were having a hard time catching. They tried my boat! Lots of flat spins, and wave wheels on the way back out.

Ps. just don't lean forward if the wave is breakin' behind you like you do in the river because the water in front of the wave is still and you will do a ender! I've got video to prove it.
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Re: Help

Post by dinan » Sat Aug 08, 2009 10:13 pm

I took my Jackson fun to the beach at gulf shores two years ago. I had a good time. We had one day their was storm out in the gulf and we had some decent waves. Most of the time they were fairly small. I have also surfed before and catching waves is much easier on a kayak. And you don't get tired as quickly as you would hand paddling a surfboard. On the negative side wipeouts can hurt much more.

I guess the worst case scenario is if you bring your boat you can paddle it around to just stay in shape for boatball.

Have fun.

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Re: Help

Post by paddledog » Mon Aug 10, 2009 4:33 am

Long ago in a far away state.............. ... otestpage2" onclick=";return false;
Fighting for peace........
Isn't that like screaming for quiet?

Image" onclick=";return false;

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Ryan Center
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Re: Help

Post by Ryan Center » Tue Aug 11, 2009 11:13 pm

My favorite part is at the 4:23 spot in the video. :beer:

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Re: Help

Post by Eric Esche » Wed Aug 12, 2009 2:17 am

Loved the video, Y'all did great and looked like you were having fun. I did it in past in Hollowform and Carolina, on GA NC and Nantucket coasts but also lost glasses off Nantucket on one I didn't see that pile drove me an minister of methodist church there. Congratulations on being able to finds those classic flicks.


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Victor Caballeros
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Re: Help

Post by Victor Caballeros » Wed Aug 12, 2009 10:09 am

Galveston, Tx was a 8 and half hour drive. I didn't bring my boat but wish i did. The waves the first day were about 1 1/2 ft high. The following day they go up to about 3 ft and they worked me over with the wave board i had. If i had my boat i would of had a blast.
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Re: Help

Post by mikeark » Wed Aug 12, 2009 11:19 am

I took my 12' Manta Ray SOT to Ft. Morgan AL last year from El Dorado. Really enjoyed the floats out from the beach area. An excellent way to get away from the business of the beach for a while. Next time I plan to do some fishing in the bay areas.

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