Friley Creek (tributary of the Little Mulberry)

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Friley Creek (tributary of the Little Mulberry)

Post by Dis147 » Wed Jun 03, 2009 9:51 pm

Just curious if anyone has ever run Friley Creek (a tributary of the Little Mulberry) before? Any available information or trip reports on same would be appreciated.

David Blaske
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Re: Friley Creek (tributary of the Little Mulberry)

Post by David Blaske » Fri Jun 05, 2009 10:36 am

Some parts of Friley have been run. Mostly some of the upper drops under lowish conditions. The extreme upper section is on private property (my friend's land). To get on it you would need to get with him on access (which would not be a problem as he is an avid paddler). Alot of the creek has been scouted by myself and my friend. Upper stretch by foot and paddle and mid section by 4 wheeler. There is good 4wheeler access along all the mid and lower stretch. The creek is good to go with minimal wood currently. Upper reaches have tight boulder gardens, slot drops, etc. Biggest vert. drop is about a 12 foot falls that drops in a pool with immediate run under a bluff (similar to grandmother's house on Wolf Bayou). Currently there's a huge log jamming that up that we'll need to cut it out. The lower reaches have not been scouted (near the community of Friley). On topo map it looks flatter and potential for fences, more private land, etc. Don't know for sure. My friend and I have been scouting out potential take outs with 4 wheeler shuttle back to his cabin near the putin spot. A nice remote run (that needs a lot of water to go).

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Re: Friley Creek (tributary of the Little Mulberry)

Post by Dis147 » Fri Jun 05, 2009 10:28 pm

Thanks for the details on Friley………

I can hear some of the rapids from my cabin and I have hiked down to the creek before, nice looking creek. To bad it is such a brutal hike down through the Nat. Forest from my cabin or it would be a good take out point and just prior to coming upon more private property. I suppose the best bet would be to just boat on to the L. Mulberry for take out. Judging by sat. images it appears one could also access the middle to lower sections of the creek via CR5051 to FS1540 and finally down FS1526.

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