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by Boofaholic » Mon Mar 30, 2009 8:40 am
Spanke thats b/c you didnt block the rocks w/ your head to protect your hull.Tell your buddy to watch that vid and learn to take impact on his dome instead of your jefe and all will be well.At least for the boat!

Missed you guys on sat. we had a huckfest ourselves on both of the twin falls! also Ill be postin new vid soon of the south cedar run w/ more flow.Itll include Razor and myself getting beatdown

and swimmin the CHIEF! Both of us had to be extracted from the chiefs grip and Razor got SCALPED on the way down.I did redeem myself w/ a clean 2nd run after my beatdown however!Man you know you found something sweet when it kicks your a$$ and you want more!
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by tomcat » Mon Mar 30, 2009 9:04 am
due to this unbelievably lucky has been decided among the paddling/sport community that a new term/phrase has been born....."Pedroed the Shiit"....will become known to describe where you attempt a feat but fupp it up so badly that you come out looking good in the end.....usually followed by yelling...."hey, I meant to do that".

A Savage spanke
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by A Savage spanke » Mon Mar 30, 2009 10:33 am
i like what tom cat said.
Saturday... so pissed... I have my spare tire on, and I can't get my other one fixed because I am in Fayetteville...and its in Russellville... Zach thought it was to cold to go... matt doesnt have the capability to carry enough boats after his yak racks broke in mexico... Jeremy had to work, fish didnt answer his phone... Cole was out of town. Basically stuck in my dorm room all day watching the blue turn to green
It could be worse, it could stop raining
call to paddle 479.518.0017
A Savage spanke
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by A Savage spanke » Mon Mar 30, 2009 12:10 pm
Brian French ran a 30 then an immediate 40 that could have been done as a 70. Thats pretty intense...
It could be worse, it could stop raining
call to paddle 479.518.0017
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by Heath » Mon Mar 30, 2009 12:15 pm
spanke where is brian french from???? I use to vault aginst a Brian French wondering if he is the same one.
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by Boofaholic » Mon Mar 30, 2009 1:29 pm
Who is the homie you speak of Lazer? Its not B.Ward or Workman is it?Cmon if you are gonna tease me, come w/ some more details,Metlako is picture perfect but still takes 1 sikbird to give er fo sho! :twisted: Spanke who is Brian French? and are you talkin about Grand Mesa Falls?
A Savage spanke
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by A Savage spanke » Mon Mar 30, 2009 2:53 pm
Brian's from Clarksville (Land of great boaters, Noah Fraser and yours truly are also from Clarksville). He did a lot of climbing with my brother then moved East and became a boater. Grand mesa falls sounds right but I'm not for sure. You'd have to ask my brother and he's out of internet for a while.
It could be worse, it could stop raining
call to paddle 479.518.0017
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- Name: joe cutrer
by Boofaholic » Mon Mar 30, 2009 3:12 pm
Cool so we have arkies reppin in montana as well!Montana eddy hop is your bud's blog page check it out. It was mesa falls(lower) but its no 30 into a 40.From his blog comments:Lower Mesa Falls logistics: Class V. Total drop is about 48 feet on the river left side (17 foot upper drop and 31 foot lower drop) or about 60 feet on the right side.Still a sweet drop though!Enough about mesa who dropped metlako Lazer!
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by bryanpin » Mon Mar 30, 2009 3:48 pm
Dude he sooooo Pedroed that one. I'd give way more props but that dude was completely inverted less than 50 ft. into it. He's lucky he got stuffed under that beast. If he'd of stayed on the frontside of the curtain he'd of probably ripped himself in half.
Booo for Pedro. Lot's of people have run stuff over 50 not half looped it. He botched it. The only thing Pedro gets props for is for having the will to kill himself and more luck than skill.
Ben Rodda
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by Ben Rodda » Mon Mar 30, 2009 5:14 pm
When Tao set his record he put milk jugs in the nose of his boat full of water to make sure he did not pancake at the bottom. I wonder if this may have helped in the case of Pedros half loop?
A Savage spanke
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by A Savage spanke » Mon Mar 30, 2009 6:01 pm
Are you telling me that while he was breaking the world record he was working on his loop? Not to mention the BIGGEST loop attempt ever!
It could be worse, it could stop raining
call to paddle 479.518.0017
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