by FarPastGone » Sat Nov 15, 2008 12:41 am
I don't have nearly the number of Arkansas runs under my belt as residents, and could see myself having a higher tolerance for what could be considered fun or not coming from Texas, but...
I would have to say Falling Water is the most overrated. I have only run it once, it was near the low according to OWPs, and having to walk the shuttle didn't add a level of enjoyment to it. There are only three or four rapids I remember being pretty fun; the falls, the rapid on the right just below the falls, and some rapid that hugged a wall on river left that the current of ran into a boulder you had to avoid. It was very pretty and the lowerish level probably didn't do it justice. I look forward to running it again at a better level because I do love boulder gardens.
Now this is the take of someone from out-of-state that may or may not be off basis, but I don't think the Cadron is necessarily overrated, more as it serves a purpose. It holds water considerably better then most runs, and is just a somewhat reliable local play run for a large number of paddlers that is able to offer relief in between rains.
As for underrated, I don't know what it is about it, but Camp/Flat Creek gets the honor in my book. One weekend somewhere in the Winter/Spring a couple of us got a really good four-day trip in at the 'tot drainage, including numerous runs down the falls and at least three trips on Baker (one at around 9ft that was a blast), and we decided to jump on Camp/Flat Creek. Honestly our interest in the run started out as a mix-up between the Camp Creek beta on OWP and the Camp/Flat beta on AW. We decided "what the heck", and jumped on it. There was a lot of flatwater in relation to moving water, and we had to deal with some wood and heavy overgrowth impeding a few blind turns into moving water. None of the drops/rapids were awe inspiring, but it was a great run to mix up the Baker/Tot routine Brian and I had repeated several times over a few month period. It was also a good chance to catch up with everyone since we had all been busy trying to get in as many runs as we could in our short time, and were all sleep deprived the first day or so. There was some very unique beauty to it, and also an instance or two of floating through shanty camps back in the woods we had some interesting explanations for. The last couple hundred yards of the run above the confluence with the Cossatot actually had some decent stuff that would be worth running if you were putting on the 'tot at Ed Banks, if only it was easier to get to. However, I suppose that most the time this little creek has water, Baker is running, which would be a shame to pass up for this run.