Waterproof / Water-Resistant Digital Cameras

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Post by SORiley » Sat Aug 25, 2007 3:02 am

My first W30 flooded in the shallow end of the swimming pool during a "test run". I let it dry out and continued to use it during our June trip. I took it with me on a whirlpool jet boat tour, the maid of the mist, the hurricane deck at the cave of the winds, then down south at the Nantahala and amazingly, no problems. I called Bedfords the day after the water infiltration and they sent me another one which I left unopened. When we returned I went to Bedfords and thanked them for sending me another camera but had no need for it and that we could send my original in for repair. They were real cool about it and gave me the new camera anyway. My original w30 had no problems with noise during recording, no noise with af turned on or when using the zoom. This one does and the noise is more than just a nuisance, the audio is basically worthless. I contacted Bedfords explaned the problem and sent this camera off. Bedfords gave me a stylus 770 sw to use while mine was out for repair. Based on my time spent with both cameras, it appears to me, that the pentax is easier to navigate around the menus and, as should be expected, has better video with 30fps. The stylus though, seemed to have marginally better still image quality under certain conditions, that is, lower light levels. After four weeks I went to pick up my w30 only to find out it was in no different condition than when we sent it off the first time. How disapointing, I guess I'm back to pelican cases, digital 8 video, and 35mm slr. At least until I receive my seemingly disposable quality w30. :lol:

I cannot say enough about Bedfords, they have been great during this experience. Shane

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Post by turboturtle » Wed Aug 29, 2007 9:55 pm

I have read all previous posts on the W-30 and others. I must profess I purchased a Pentax W-30 from B&H about three months ago. While I have not taken the camera through all of its shooting modes, I haven't suffered like some out here. (I haven't even read the manual to date) I can guaranty mine has been abused beyond what most would seem fit for such a small delicate and complex camera. There have been numerus instances of other paddlers informing me that they saw my camera flying around me as my personal choice for strapping and securing have not been perfected. And many times I have spotted my W-30 dangling at the side of my boat having gone through who knows what before my finding it and freaking for a few seconds and checking it out. As of now It still functions flawlessly albet a couple of design nuances, as each mode seems to have its own. For a cheap point and shoot how can you complain. Okay, A viewfinder would've been nice.
I have drowned a few w/p's over the years and had always been impressed with the longevity of the cheaper Pentax's over some of the more expensive pieces I've owned. So, I finally decided to give Pentax their turn. So far Ive been really impressed with its capabilities.(wish I could post a pic r two) I also have never bothered to even try and have one repaired. With the cost and parts availability considered, and the age and abuse, why bother.
Upgades are inevitable. So lets all root for Cannon D-60/W ater proof. Only then will I feel like I'm in control of the images I take. Until then I will just suffice with my cameras limitations. (I still have my first camera)a 120.
I will repost when and how I finally drown my W-30. So stay tuned, according to some it can't be long! And it is inevitable! So I can only suggest keeping your cards on the smaller side and download the pics regularly to reduce the chance of corrupting your card with lots of pics stored. I'm not sure how well an sd card holds up to a drowning. "Yet"
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Post by Trismegistus » Thu Aug 30, 2007 9:20 am

I must report that I too have had great luck with the Pentax W series cameras...and talk about abuse -- no case, no cover, no protection -- my cameras are nicked and scratched from inumerable drops. I have a Canon Rebel with waterproof case yet knowing myself like I know myself -- it rarely accompanies me on an adventure. Over the years I have purchased every W model right up to the current W30 and they are still all functioning today except for one that drowned in a whirlpool in Costa Rica (I now either tie 'em to my PFD or attach a "bobber"). But the best story -- over a year ago I had a W20 that I "lost" -- looked high and lo for over a month before buying a replacement. Well this year someone found it and returned it to me after looking at the pictures -- the battery still even worked! But the amazing part was where it was found: lying along side Pinnacle Springs Road. Apparently I had left it on the hood or bumper and drove off -- it bounced about for about a mile until it slid off onto the road. From there it lied for several months -- while in the interim it had seen many days of freezing weather, rainy weather, and had apparently even had a car/mower run over it as it had some very deep nicks in the casing. Yet it still worked. If Roy got the lemon I must have gotten the "show room model".

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UPDATE SW720 Failure and Pelican Case Warning

Post by duckfool » Wed Sep 26, 2007 7:10 pm

My Olympus SW720 Failed, major water inside the camera, never taken below 3ft, 99% in the pool shots.

But even more troubling, catastrophic failure of 3 pelican cases on my last Rockport run. I rolled and had to do a wet exit. I had my D70 70-200mm 2.8 HSM, 400mm 5.6, iPhone, Sony UX180 and associated gear.

Down at the ramp after loading up the boats I was horrified to open my pelican 1400 and find water inside the case, on the camera and lens, I was also shocked to find moisture inside the pelican 1050 that housed my wallet, keys and iPhone. I almost came unglued when I found water in the 1200 series case holding the 400mm lens, Luckily the 1150 that housed the UX was bone dry.

The cases weren't submerged, they were tethered to the kayak and did spend about 5 minutes bouncing around in the rapids below the ledge (not during generation).

When I got home I weighed all of the gear that was in each case and approximated it's weight with submersible items and placed the cases in the tub, after 45 minutes of floating in the tub the 1400 had about 3/4 cup of water and other cases had certain intrusion.. my jaw dropped!

I have a whole fleet of pelican cases for camera and computer gear, I now test each one before I take them out... Pelican will replace the cases, but not the gear inside... TEST YOUR CASES!

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Post by Trismegistus » Thu Sep 27, 2007 12:56 pm

Good tip: Don't go putting any valuables into any waterproof case until it is personally proven to be waterproof.

What is so surprising is that your cases were still apparently latched tight when found to be leaking. I don't know if you stumbled across any of Adrian's posts regarding Pelican cases -- but his problem centers on the new latch system. Here's his beef:

I purchased the Pelican 1400 case with the new easy open latch design. On my first outting with it my case slide about four feet down a rocky bank. Both latches released my new Canon Digital EOS camera and spare lens popped out. The camera hit the rocks and the lens amazingly landed on the lid. Further tests found failure rates of 40% on drops of four feet. I documented the tests in an email to Pelican. I have had Pelican products for years and have at least twelve of their boxes with zero failure rate until the new latch design. I even ordered another 1400 and tested it. It failed 50% of the time on the same drops. My old Pelican is like the new style 1400 but with a fixed handle old pressure valve and old latches failed zero times under the same test. Of the new latch design cases I had failures rates of 4 of 10 drops and 5 of 10 drops. In talking with Pelican over the phone and email they give no indication there is an issue with the latches.

Taking your comments and Adrien's it'd probably be best to take any new waterproof container out and "abuse it" under real-life situations before we put our laptop and expensive cameras in them.

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Post by RomanLA » Wed Oct 03, 2007 3:25 am

I purchased a GoPro Digital Hero 3 a couple months back. It's only 3 megapixels, but for $139.99 it's a great little camera. It will accept up to a 2gb SD card, which will let you take 54mins of 640x480 video with sound. The only drawback is that it doesn't have an lcd viewfinder. Also, inside the waterproof case it doesn't pick up much sound. The camera straps to your wrist and you can flip it up to take a picture. They're supposed to be coming out with a suction cup mount soon for your deck. I've used it for pictures and videos both for kayaking and mountain biking and haven't had any problems with it. Anyway, here's some pictures and videos that I've taken with it...it was strapped to my paddle in the video. :P





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Post by Trismegistus » Thu Oct 04, 2007 9:10 am

Neat camera! For taking pictures on the fly it'd be hard to beat. Plus it really makes for some nice pictures.

Also I see where they are coming up with a helmet cam....hmm....

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Post by RomanLA » Thu Oct 04, 2007 12:56 pm

Trismegistus wrote:Also I see where they are coming up with a helmet cam....hmm....
Yeah...that whitewater video on their site already looks pretty good...guessing they rigged it to the bow carry strap.

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Post by A Savage spanke » Wed Nov 14, 2007 9:34 am

So far as everything I've read I don't want the pentax w30, this newer 10 ft olympus sounds pretty good even though theres hardly any reviews on it. Anyone know anything else about it?
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Post by duckfool » Mon Nov 26, 2007 8:10 pm

I'd stay away from the Olympus. Review in thread above.

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Post by Owl » Fri Mar 07, 2008 3:10 pm

I just got a new Olympus 770SW. It's waterproof to 30', dropproof to 5', freezeproof to 14 deg. F, and crushproof to 220 lbs.

7.1 megapixels, image stabilization, and more modes than I'll ever use.

It hasn't seen any "action" yet but I'm anxious to get it on (in?) the water.

I chose it over the Pentax because of the supposedly greater ruggedness. I hope it meets my expectations.

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Post by LARAMY » Fri Mar 07, 2008 5:09 pm

Owl- I just bought that same exact camera also. Hope to test it this weekend.

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Olympus waterproof/shatterproof camera

Post by Susan Tinker » Sun Mar 16, 2008 10:42 pm

I've had the Olympus waterproof/shatterproof camera for over a year. Got it at Bedford ... best camera store in AR ... they stand behind everything! And, usually run either 6 months or 12 months @ 0% financing.
I've swam with the Olympus around my neck down several rapids on Montana River, forgotten I've had it and swam in several of the rivers here and it still works perfectly. Not one problem and I've submerged it A LOT.
Great pictures too!

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Re: Waterproof / Water-Resistant Digital Cameras

Post by Richard » Sun Nov 30, 2008 7:35 pm

Well, its been eight months since the last post and digital cameras are constantly becoming obsolete as new ones come out.
What is the thinking now?
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Re: Waterproof / Water-Resistant Digital Cameras

Post by Richard » Tue Dec 02, 2008 8:38 am

LL BEAN has the GoPro® Digital Hero 3 Megapixel Waterproof Wrist Camera on sale for $99.95.
http://www.llbean.com/webapp/wcs/stores ... -sub1&np=Y" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
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