On Saturday, September 18th & Sunday, September 19th, the Dustbowl Chapter of the Arkansas Canoe Club is sponsoring Wilderness First Aid (WFA) and CPR/AED certification courses taught by Tom Burroughs, the American Canoe Association “Excellence in Instruction” national award recipient.
Every active paddler and outdoors-person owes it to themselves and their adventure companions to learn more about the remote first aid topics taught in these courses. It may save your life, or at least make an unfortunate situation more manageable. Topics include wound cleaning and closure, fracture care, shoulder dislocations, spinal cord injury management, snake bites, and many more outdoor issues. This will be an interactive, hands-on course….a little lecture, a little Q&A, and many hands-on activities applying what you have learned.
Course participants will receive a three year nationally recognized certification through Sierra Rescue International. The CPR/AED course will result in a two year certification from American CPR.
The WFA course will be held at a private home southwest of Mounds, Oklahoma, and will be two full days of instruction starting at 8:30 a.m. each day.
The CPR/AED class will be Saturday evening from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Cost: WFA: Arkansas Canoe Club (ACC) members: $155; non-members: $170;
CPR/AED: Free for ACC members; $45 for non-ACC members.
ACC membership is $25 at arkansascanoeclub.com.
To register or for questions, please contact Clark Miller at 918-812-5305 or enduro77@gmail.com.
Wilderness First Aid course - Sept 18-19
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