Lost - Wedding Ring at Steel Creek Put In 6-6-15

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Name: Cowper C
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Lost - Wedding Ring at Steel Creek Put In 6-6-15

Post by Cowper » Fri Jun 12, 2015 10:36 am

I promised to post this for a Facebook contact:

Heather A____. 501-27six-0196 or 601-31nine-3701. Email hnhsbs86@yahoo.com lost wedding ring at Steel Creek put in Saturday June 6 Fell in water off beginning of bank immediately to the left after putting in, right before the bluff and the river turns left. It's a engagement ring soldered to a wedding band. White gold. Thank you!!!! It was our 4 year anniversary trip. We always float the Buffalo for it and float around here ( hot springs). All the time. And I seriously never wear my ring on the water. I just forgot to take it off his one time. Won't make that mistake again:(

If you're in the area, especially now that water levels are dropping, please keep your eyes open when walking the gravel bars at Steel Creek. I think based on her description, she seems to be saying the ring would be on what we call the River Left bank just a short distance down from the normal put-in. I know of several cases where people have found rings by accident; it would be really nice to get one like this back to the owner.

If you find something, contact Heather and she will send you a photo so you can confirm you're getting it back to the right person.

Trash: Get a little every time you go!

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