Two Forks

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Two Forks

Post by kru1 » Tue May 12, 2015 9:57 am

Pretty good group got a chance to hit the Forks yesterday. Middle Fork was big when we arrived but we spent some time scouting out various put-ins upstream. By the time we put on it had dropped out considerably. Turned out to be slightly lower Mon then it was on Sun. All clear save the bridge right before the take out, the river left half was choked with wood but easily avoidable.

After the Middle we cruised over and floated the West Fork from Brentwood down. I hadn't been on that section when the river was juicy like it was yesterday. Some of the features were washed out and others grew exponentially. Had a blast catching eddies and surfing what wave we could.

Taking a break on the Middle Fork
Santa surfing a fun wave, West Fork
Paddling through the section that reminds me of the Nantahala
Winn Crk Ledges were washed out on West Fork
I say, and I intend it emphatically, let the river be.
Thomas Hart Benton, on the Buffalo River

nathan richard
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Re: Two Forks

Post by nathan richard » Tue May 12, 2015 10:03 am

That's a good day!
Think the west fork will still be good this afternoon/evening?

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