Ouachita River clean-up effort October 4th starting @ Remmel

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Joined: Thu Aug 14, 2014 10:46 am
Name: Kimberly

Ouachita River clean-up effort October 4th starting @ Remmel

Post by Bogart » Thu Aug 14, 2014 11:12 am

Arkansas Trash Bash Council is organizing our annual shoreline clean-up on October 4, 2014. We are looking for volunteers, or someone to lead the effort, for a river clean-up starting at Remmel Dam ending at our check station hosted at the White Water Park in Malvern. The event is being held between the hours of 8a - 11a that morning.

All trash collected will not only benefit the environment but will also earn you prize tickes (used as entry tickets) for our after party at Garvan Woodland Gardens (11:30a - 1:30p) where you have earned a FREE BBQ lunch (Smokin' in Style), FREE t-shirt and FREE access to tour the Gardens that day. Your prize tickets are entered into a drawing at Garvan so stick around after eating and see if you win something - prizes include a laptop computer, flat panel tv, ipods, resturant gift certificates, etc...

If you are interested in participating, please contact me (Kimberly Bogart) at kbogar1@entergy.com or 501-844-2116. Thank you and hope to see you there!

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