Cow Tails (Tow Tethers) ????

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Cow Tails (Tow Tethers) ????

Post by AR-Nimrod » Fri Sep 27, 2013 10:13 am

Pros/Cons? How long does it need to be? :? Pretty sure I'm gonna get one but, which one? What to look for? :confused: I've even read about homemade ones. Leaning toward the NRS 53" since my XP10 is a big boat. Your input appreciated.

Took the Marcel/Walter led SWR Class back in Aug.
Picked up a Kokatat Ronin Pro rescue PFD at Rendezvous.
Chris Crawford

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Re: Cow Tails (Tow Tethers) ????

Post by sig » Fri Sep 27, 2013 11:11 am

I have the Stohlquist version for my Stolhquist Descent PFD and had no problems towing boats at Rec School while paddling my XP10.
Bryan Signorelli

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Re: Cow Tails (Tow Tethers) ????

Post by Shep » Fri Sep 27, 2013 12:57 pm

I prefer a short one for two reasons. First, every time I have tried to two a boat full of water with a tether, I have ended up swimming too. My boat-towing technique now is to have a sperate rope attached to the boat that I have to actively hold in my hand or under my knee (but I paddle an open boat). Keeping the tether short helps me avoid the temptation to use it in a way that has never worked well for me before.

Second, when I have a long tether, I cannot control the carabiner-end of it. What I mean is that, when it is let out, I can't reach it. If I need to do something with it, my only option is to pull my quick-release and lose it. With the shorter tether, I have the possibility of reaching behind me to manipulate it.

I sold my Astral Webtoe and ended up with the short NRS one.

Hope this helps,
Paul Shepherd

"Believe me, my young friend, there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats (said the water rat solemnly)." - Kenneth Grahame, The Wind in the Willows

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Re: Cow Tails (Tow Tethers) ????

Post by SteveGabbard » Fri Sep 27, 2013 1:51 pm

What Paul said and 53" is a lot of tether to have draping between the ring and carabiner attachment point when not in use. I have used the shorter NRS one but really don't like having it draped around my side as a possible snag hazard.

The one I am using now is a 36" tether made by Tim Jones. However, I use a green jacket and it stuffs into the rear side pocket on it. I'm not sure where you could store the extra on a Decent since I am not familiar with it.

Should you decide to go the webbing tether route contact Tim and he can make it any length as well as save you some $$$. Regardless of which way you go if the one you buy comes with a nonlocking biner replace it with a locking one.

Good seeing you at rendezvous.


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Re: Cow Tails (Tow Tethers) ????

Post by AR-Nimrod » Fri Sep 27, 2013 3:06 pm


I had already decided that I would replace the supplied non-locking biner with a locking model. Y'all really made that point clear at SWR. That was one of the top take-away's I have from that weekend regarding equipment. The NRS one has a bungee in the middle of the tube webbing that shortens it up. Below are the specs.

Short Tether 33: 19" (Stretches to 33")
Long Tether 53: 33" (Stretches to 53")
Add 6" to Length for Carabiner and O-ring

The Ronin Pro has a side pocket to store the extra length in.

It was good to visit with you again at Vous. I think about half our class; staff and students were in attendance.
Chris Crawford

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