///UPDATE/// Ice Mule drybag cooler

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///UPDATE/// Ice Mule drybag cooler

Post by Jetlab67 » Tue Jun 25, 2013 9:27 am


Prior to this review my original cooler had to be replaced because of an internal tear. IMC promptly did so and apologized for the inconvenience. I chalked it up to a quality escape which happens time to time with any manufacturer. I received my replacement and on the second use this weekend at SWR training it failed again. This time the welded bottom seam on the interior lining separated from the sidewall. I contacted IMC Monday and here's their reply:

Hi Paul,
I'm embarrassed and dumfounded and I apologize.
We've had two more of these recently and I've never seen anything like it. Clearly, we've run into a group of units that were not properly constructed.
First things first - I've already refunded your purchase price (see attached).
Secondly, we've instituted a new quality control program here and we are testing each cooler (again) before they go out. I'm sending you one on these newly tested units - please let me know how it performs.
Finally - we have switched manufacturers due to issues like these. We've been working with a new manufacturer since October to develop a stronger IceMule and to expand the line. The new IceMule will have an interior that is twice as thick and more abrasion-resistant than the current model. I'd like to add your name to a list of folks we will send one of these new units to (early next year) - on us, of course.
Please let me know if this makes sense or if you have any questions.
We value you as a customer and we'll do everything we can to make sure that you're happy with your IceMule and with us as a company.

My very best,

I still like the concept and look forward to using the new cooler. They have good customer service. I'll update this post accordingly.


I've used this cooler on several multi-day trips and have been pleased with its performance. It packs perfectly just forward of the removable piller and just behind my futa bag in the bow of my XP10. They're $65.

The IceMule: The world's only Insulated Drybag Backpack Cooler
The IceMule™ looks very much like a drybag (paddlers use vinyl drybags to keep water out and their gear dry). In fact, the IceMule™ is very similar to a drybag with one very important difference—it has two walls and is insulated with ¾ inch-polyurethane foam. This waterproof insulated design makes the IceMule an unbelievable cooler that can also double as a drybag. Plus, with it's padded strap it can be carried like a backpack. Which makes it the world's only Insulated Drybag Backpack Cooler!

http://www.icemulecooler.com" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Last edited by Jetlab67 on Tue Jul 16, 2013 5:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ice Mule drybag cooler

Post by Jim Krueger » Tue Jun 25, 2013 9:22 pm

Thanks for the post Paul! After I saw yours the other day, I did a bit of research. I think I'd like to have one for sure.

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Re: Ice Mule drybag cooler

Post by Canoe_Codger » Wed Jun 26, 2013 9:47 pm

Very interesting concept! I am quite tempted to McGuyver one for myself to see if I like it before ordering one though.
Thanks for posting this!


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Re: Ice Mule drybag cooler

Post by Clif » Thu Jun 27, 2013 5:50 am

i have one made by seattle sports. Added some foam to the laminated looking metalic bubble wrap liner it had. Works fine for day trips/overnighters. Has several years on it. Inside insulating liner comes out. Easy to clean
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Re: Ice Mule drybag cooler

Post by AR-Nimrod » Thu Jun 27, 2013 7:10 am

Hey Paul,

How long will it hold ice and keep stuff cold?
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Re: Ice Mule drybag cooler

Post by Canoe_Codger » Thu Jun 27, 2013 7:29 am

Clif wrote:i have one made by seattle sports. Added some foam to the laminated looking metalic bubble wrap liner it had. Works fine for day trips/overnighters. Has several years on it. Inside insulating liner comes out. Easy to clean
I looked briefly at the S.S. offerings and only see ones with zippered openings. Is that what you have?


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Re: Ice Mule drybag cooler

Post by Jetlab67 » Thu Jun 27, 2013 8:24 am

Chris -

On two trips it has held ice over 48-hours and kept stuff adequately cold. At trip's end there was ice left and plenty of cold water. I carried those packaged "skillet meals" on these trips along with drinks and pre-cooked, individually bagged breakfast stuff - pancakes, sausage, bacon, butter, etc. It helps if you keep cooler below deck resting on cool bottom of boat.

I too thought about fanagaling my own using an equivalently sized SeaSport dry bag lined with mylar-faced bubble wrap insulation but when you add up material costs you're only fifteen duckets or so from the cost of the IM.

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Re: Ice Mule drybag cooler

Post by Canoe_Codger » Thu Jun 27, 2013 9:18 am

Could be so... but if you already have the seal line Baja drybag and insulation materials (bubble wrap and closed cell foam) it would only cost the duct tape/adhesive used. No, it wouldn't be as fancy as the manufactured one, but size choices would be better. And the dry bag itself would not be altered so it could be returned to it's original use if it did or didn't work out. As you can tell, I am all about thrift, especially when it comes to new-tech gear I want to try.

I have always been less than satisfied with the hard plastic coolers, use a military aluminum cooler for extended winter trips, and really don't like the leakiness and lack of durability of the zip-top soft coolers I have tried. And none of them satisfy me as far as being insulated and keeping ice. I just looked at the Yetis in a local store. Yowza! Well built and good closure, but even the smallest was too big for me and too expensive.

Again, thanks for the review and link.


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Re: Ice Mule drybag cooler

Post by AR-Nimrod » Thu Jun 27, 2013 11:29 am


The best zip-top soft coolers we have found are the NRS ones. Very durable and as far as soft coolers go they keep stuff cool longer than any other we have tried. But still really only good for day trips. As far as leaking goes; so far they have only leaked at the zipper. Be sure to let us know how the "Arkansas Engineering" cooler works if you do try that.
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Re: Ice Mule drybag cooler

Post by Canoe_Codger » Thu Jun 27, 2013 11:49 am

AR-Nimrod wrote:Michael,

The best zip-top soft coolers we have found are the NRS ones. Very durable and as far as soft coolers go they keep stuff cool longer than any other we have tried. But still really only good for day trips. As far as leaking goes; so far they have only leaked at the zipper. Be sure to let us know how the "Arkansas Engineering" cooler works if you do try that.

Will do. If I can figure out my camera phone, I'll even post construction and use photos. I do have confidence that the Seal line bags are more durable and better sealing than the soft coolers I have tried. All they really lack is the insulation. And I have a lot of that from my work.

None of this is meant to detract from the commercial product presented by the OP. In fact, if my contraption does not work in the size I envision, the OP's cooler may be my next "get".


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Re: Ice Mule drybag cooler

Post by Clif » Thu Jun 27, 2013 2:06 pm

Nope mine is a dry bag. Roll up snap type . Haven't seen them in a long time by that source. Not so great of a liner
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Re: Ice Mule drybag cooler

Post by Jetlab67 » Thu Jun 27, 2013 3:51 pm

A SeaLine bag is certainly more durable than the exterior of the IM. What if......you lined a SeaLine bag with a SeaLine bag placing reflective mylar bubble wrap insulation between? You could use self-adhesive velcro tabs placed at strategic locations to secure the insulation. OK, I admit it - I look the easy way out and purchased the IM. But this string is getting me thinking about alternatives. I happen to work for a biz jet manufacturer and have an aerospace engineeirng background (admittedly weak since I never really liked math) so I may have to take it up a notch and experiment with some surplus super-secret, high-tech fuselage insulation materials and adhesives. Photos and disclaimers to come if and when I get this underway.

Paul S.
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Re: ///NEW UPDATE/// Ice Mule drybag cooler

Post by Jetlab67 » Tue Apr 01, 2014 10:52 am

Yesterday, I received the new and improved Ice Mule drybag cooler at no charge. This bag is significantly changed from the old version. The inner liner, which failed immediately on my first cooler and two subsequent replacements, is made from a much heavier coated cordura type material. The outer bag is more robust too.

Cascade Outfitters is carrying the Ice Mule cooler line-up in their 2014 catalog.

I'll keep the board posted on how this one holds up to the rigors of kayaking and rafting.
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Re: ///UPDATE/// Ice Mule drybag cooler

Post by okieboater » Tue Apr 01, 2014 3:37 pm

These look interesting, if they last.

I have the small and medium fabric NRS coolers. Had them for years and so far both are pretty much bomber.

My experience with the NRS fabric units is they are good for day trips and weekends - by Sunday evening ice is gone but drinks still passably cool.

Most of the time my wife keeps the larger one in her car to use to get frozen stuff home from her shopping trips.
Okieboater AKA Dave Reid

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