Seen on Craigslist near Atlanta

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Eric Esche
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Seen on Craigslist near Atlanta

Post by Eric Esche » Mon Jun 17, 2013 10:27 pm

I have to go to the Atlanta area at least once sometime this summer or fall (nothing firmed up yet or scheduled) and "just happened to" brouse around to see what boats were selling for over there and spotted some boats I thought some here might be interested in if THEY were going that way. There is one I'm NOT posting that interests me enough that I might buy it just to keep over there for when I have to fly over. Got some friends over there who would probably pick it up and store it at their house in exchange for using it.

Yeah - I've been told I'm a bad influence.

Red Dagger Dimension tandem open canoe $750 Looks nice" onclick=";return false;

Whitesell Descender solo canoe $550 no pictures" onclick=";return false;

Robeson C U Fly (EXPENSIVE - $1200) no pictures" onclick=";return false;

Perception Shadow Sea kayak with Dancer and gear $700" onclick=";return false;

Perception Carolina sea kayak $500 No rudder, but in good shape for being old enough to have the desired thigh braces" onclick=";return false; looks like new

Prijon Seayak sea kayak - wants to trade for whitewater kayak - needs new front straps over hatch - Potential for deal" onclick=";return false;

Perception/Aqua Terra Sea lion Sea kayak$550 no picture (never paddled this model)" onclick=";return false;

Dagger Magellan sea kayak Fast 22.5" wide x 16.5 feet, with rudder for $600" onclick=";return false;

Pyranha MicroBat 240 $250" onclick=";return false;

Pyranha Microbat 240 with PFD, Helmet and paddle (no skirt) $300" onclick=";return false;

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Re: Seen on Craigslist near Atlanta

Post by Shep » Wed Jun 19, 2013 4:12 pm

$1200 bucks for the CUFly? That's insane... :confused:
Paul Shepherd

"Believe me, my young friend, there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats (said the water rat solemnly)." - Kenneth Grahame, The Wind in the Willows

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