Paddlers Springfield/Branson MO area?

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Paddlers Springfield/Branson MO area?

Post by TrentF » Tue Jan 01, 2013 10:09 pm

Live in Branson MO looking for some local paddlers that like to do everything from rec paddling to whitewater/creeking on there weekends and days off. I am originally from the NWA area and do not know any of the local creeks,rivers, and streams to run. I am a experienced Rec (class 1/2) paddler and have a little bit of experience creeking but looking to get into more! Let me know if you have room for me in your group! I am willing to help out shuttling or whatever else.
Email: or you can find me on facebook....Thanks and I look forward to getting involved in some local streams and meeting new people! :kayak:

Bring on the Rain!!!
Trent Fears

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Re: Paddlers Springfield/Branson MO area?

Post by DanMo » Wed Jan 02, 2013 11:10 am

I will paddle with you anytime. But, our creeks are as low as I have ever seen them, and we have no prospects for them to come up anytime soon. I love to paddle but have taken up other hobbies.

You might want to give out your phone number, when the creeks run, you will not likely get into a group via email.


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Re: Paddlers Springfield/Branson MO area?

Post by perspective7 » Wed Jan 02, 2013 2:31 pm

I paddle with Dan when we've got water here and none in Arkansas. We have a few good creeks that are good places to start learning and they're all close to Branson.

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Re: Paddlers Springfield/Branson MO area?

Post by DanMo » Wed Jan 02, 2013 4:03 pm

Whats up Seth. Good to hear from you. It seems like forever since I paddled with you, wait, it has been.


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Re: Paddlers Springfield/Branson MO area?

Post by Lucky13 » Wed Jan 02, 2013 5:20 pm

Bull creek needs a little bit more to be runnable, but with no rain in the forecast it will drop. Dan is right most of the creeks in this area are near Branson. Most times if the water is running in AR, ppl run down there. Trips out east and to the St. Francis also happen. Just wondering how your roll is. Another way to meet boaters also is both ACC and Ozark Mountain paddlers put on whitewater clinics in the spring on the Mulberry, depending on your skill level this might be something you might want to do.

I thought about starting a boatball night during the summer in Springfield, maybe down at SPFD lake boathouse.

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Re: Paddlers Springfield/Branson MO area?

Post by TrentF » Wed Jan 02, 2013 7:55 pm

Yea I realize the creeks have been low and we have been in a bad drought for us as paddlers. Hopefully we can get a real wet winter and spring to bring them back up to floatable levels! I do plan on going to all the roll sessions as well as whitewater clinics as I can in the near future.
Although I have never played boat ball I would be very interested in getting a group together to play as well as maybe get some roll sessions going? I also have several friends down in Harrison that might be interested in getting into it as well.
If yall dont mind maybe you could give me a call or text whenever a local stream is runnable and I could join in! My ph number is 417-598-3030
My schedule is pretty open so Im ready to go whenever. Thanks and I look forward to paddling with everyone!
Trent Fears

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