Tandem Mad River Synergy in ATL lowered to $300

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Eric Esche
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Name: Eric Esche
Location: Monte Ne on Beaver Lake

Tandem Mad River Synergy in ATL lowered to $300

Post by Eric Esche » Fri Oct 12, 2012 10:06 pm

http://atlanta.craigslist.org/atl/boa/3313424014.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Heck of a deal - for $300 you get a whitewater tandem Royalex Mad River Canoe with bags, straps, and pedestal seats. You can't buy the straps, bags and seats for that. Take a look.

I posted the details for this Synergy earlier in the "3Boats on Craigslist" posting. Offer of storing at my brother's house in Marietta until you get over that way to pick it up still applies. And Bobby Garr, a former classmate of mine at Georgia Tech might could pick it up for you.

Eric Esche

I have no connection to this boat, other than if we have more canoes in this state, I might have more folks to run shuttle with.

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