Beaver Dam CFS Info

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Ben Rodda
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Beaver Dam CFS Info

Post by Ben Rodda » Thu Oct 04, 2012 12:11 am

Does anybody know of a good source to find out what the CFS values are on an hourly basis for Beaver Dam? I cant find a guage on the USGS site. And it seems like just about every other form of date for Beaver Dam is reported except for CFS.

What do you folks think?


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Eric Esche
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Re: Beaver Dam CFS Info

Post by Eric Esche » Thu Oct 04, 2012 1:13 pm

Is this what you are looking for? ... beaver.htm" onclick=";return false;
BOTE - This is a list of what has happened and not what will happen tomorrow.

You can also call 417-336-5083 to find out what IS happening and ask what MIGHT happen next for how long.

And a tip of the fly rod to my fellow Mad River Explorer canoist Scott Branyan at" onclick=";return false; for having the info on his website.

I used to have about 3000 sites bookmarked before the computer crashed this spring and Geek squad did their normal job of not doing what you asked them to and they promised to. It all supposedly got saved, just not reloaded to where I can use it.

IF you want something else, Ask. IF I found it once, I can probably find it again.

edit -Got to thinking and you may want this one as well." onclick=";return false;
Read what you find there CAREFULLY and note that it is not a promise of anything, nor does it include what the Corps might do. Click the day of the week to see the forecast.

Bottom line for both links is that you will not know what is really going to happen, only what has. You goes there and you get what they give you.

Eric Esche

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Ben Rodda
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Re: Beaver Dam CFS Info

Post by Ben Rodda » Thu Oct 04, 2012 9:53 pm


Thanks so much for posting a response.

I would like to look back and get a feel for what are the average various flows coming out of Beaver dam. Yesterday it appears that it it was at 20 CFS and then went up to 3,500 CFS. Apparently it can go up to 8,000 CFS. I would like to know how long these flows are sustained, time of day, etc.

I believe that just below beaver dam has the potential to be an incredible location for a play feature. 3,000 CFS is more than enough water, there is a natural choke point, and I think there is enough gradient.

The down side is that it is maybe the coldest water in Arkansas and managing back flow may be difficult.


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Eric Esche
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Re: Beaver Dam CFS Info

Post by Eric Esche » Fri Oct 05, 2012 11:38 am

You might ask at the Corps office in Rogers to see what historical flow records the Corps has. Office is on Second street one block from its intersection with HW 62 North. I know there are significant Maximum releases when the lake can not contain any more that must be taken into account when designing your water features. They were high enough to wash away Corps buildings in their camping area below the dam.

Alan Bland is the head ranger that I have paddled with and worked with on clean ups. He is a nice guy, but very busy, like all the time. I would suggest you call for an appointment. 479-636-1210

Eric Esche

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