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Post by blb878 » Thu Jul 19, 2012 3:26 pm

Are there any other new people to the hobby in the NWA area? Thought maybe I could find a paddle partner to practice with.

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Re: NEWBIES Around?

Post by Half Ton » Thu Jul 19, 2012 10:55 pm

The roll session on the 29 th ... =1&t=21842" onclick=";return false; and the club meeting would be great opportunities, BUT boatball on wednesdays would be ideal for meeting folks to paddle with :thumbup:
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Re: NEWBIES Around?

Post by Cowper » Sun Jul 22, 2012 8:02 am

Interesting question. I understand that some folks like to paddle either with folks close to their own age, or may want to paddle with folks who have similar skill levels so that they don't feel like anyone is having to "take care of them" all the time.

But here's something to think about: I was always told that one way to get better fast was to paddle with people who are better than yourself. IMHO, the good ones won't mind helping you out a little bit now and then, and probably aren't keeping count any more, so just paddle with the best people you can find that are running the rivers you want to run, and don't worry about whether they are newbies or not.

I agree, boatball and pool sessions are both good places to meet folks like that. :thumbup:
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Re: NEWBIES Around?

Post by tomOzarkVideo » Tue Jul 24, 2012 7:08 am

Cowper wrote:Interesting question. I understand that some folks like to paddle either with folks close to their own age, or may want to paddle with folks who have similar skill levels so that they don't feel like anyone is having to "take care of them" all the time.

But here's something to think about: I was always told that one way to get better fast was to paddle with people who are better than yourself. IMHO, the good ones won't mind helping you out a little bit now and then, and probably aren't keeping count any more, so just paddle with the best people you can find that are running the rivers you want to run, and don't worry about whether they are newbies or not.

I agree, boatball and pool sessions are both good places to meet folks like that. :thumbup:
Couldn't have said it better. Come on out to a Boatball game! It's a good place to meet a pile of boaters. We were all newbs once. (some of us merely months ago) :twocents:
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Re: NEWBIES Around?

Post by Greybeard » Tue Jul 24, 2012 10:14 am

I figgered there had to be a canoe club in Shreveport. I shudda looked on line sooner. I have a 17 ' pelican. It's a tad heavy, but a sound boat. When my daughter was ten, we had a 17' old town that we used on the buffalo. She is now 29. I recently took up fly fishing. I have two rigs. I am available on short notice as an extra paddler on short trips, even overnighters. I am open to bringing my Pelican along and taking on one or two paddlers, but my current car is rather short for my boat. I have a 70 VW bus that will be better fitted for traveling but I need to put a new engine in it first. I am a retired, former Marine. I look forward to a lot of canoeing this fall when rivers are deeper and weather cooler. I plan to make the meeting at the pickle in August. My email address is

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