new play spot ? maybe!

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new play spot ? maybe!

Post by painterbob » Thu Oct 13, 2011 10:39 am

i was trout fishing, and came across 2 new curved rock walls built on the White river below Beaver dam. just up stream from spider creek, and below Parkers bottom . they look to have been built in the last few months . not sure if the Corp. did them or if Trout unlimited or who but all they need is another row of rock on top? but worth looking at! :thumbup:

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Re: new play spot ? maybe!

Post by Wavesport4 » Thu Oct 13, 2011 11:12 am

Im with Bob on this, a play spot in this area creates potential for paddlers as well as angler's and other uses. With collaborations from other groups such as Trout Unlimited this could be a dual purpose location: habitat for trout and great fishing at lower levels with multiple dam releases for boating. There would be minimal conflict between anglers and paddlers due to their usage at different water levels. Any ideas? Post them!

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Re: new play spot ? maybe!

Post by cpresoz » Thu Oct 13, 2011 12:52 pm

Very exciting thoughts. I've always thought of that area, which has already seen extensive rockwork by the Corps for one recreational use (trout fishing), being a potential area for our favorite spot. We've been floating from the dam down to one of several take out areas, similar to the float from Remmel Dam on the Ouachita. The Arkansas State Park ranger at Hobbs is already engaged in discussions with the Corps for the creation of no wake coves for the ever increasing sport of lake kayaking and canoeing up above the dam. With experienced spokespeople, such as Eric Esche who lives on the lake and successful negotiators with bureaucracy, such as Debbie Doss, I believe we could approach the Corps and eventually work together to create a wave park. The corps could be encouraged to time their releases for benefit of several recreational uses, as does Entergy at Lake Catherine.
Curtis Presley
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Re: new play spot ? maybe!

Post by painterbob » Fri Oct 14, 2011 8:26 am

it looks like it was the northwest chapter of Trout unlimited that is doing the work on this .this is on Tablerock lake, below the beaver dam. the good part is THEY " LIKE" THE ARKANSAS CANOE CLUB!! from there facebook page. so we might have a real shot at this! .......... :poke2: so who is our wave maker team?

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Victor Caballeros
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Re: new play spot ? maybe!

Post by Victor Caballeros » Fri Oct 14, 2011 8:31 am

HECK Yeah BOB way to go man.. :yahoo: I hope that you find the perfect person to get this started!! I would love to see a playpark in NWA and I know everyone else would like to see one too!!! :clap: :clap:
egestatem semper in angaria

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Re: new play spot ? maybe!

Post by cpresoz » Fri Oct 14, 2011 10:15 am

I'll hit up an acquaintance who is an officer in the reserve and was part of the Seabee group that did all of the initial earthwork and large rock moving years ago. If we're moving rocks might as well get the right equipment.
Curtis Presley
Fayetteville, AR

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Re: new play spot ? maybe!

Post by Ben Rodda » Fri Oct 14, 2011 10:34 am

Hey guys I am all in on this idea!

I have tried in the past to look into flow data for beaver dam but did not really find solid information. What the best link that shows releases? current and historical?

How about we set up a time to get together and brain storm a bit? Are many of you close to Eureka?


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Re: new play spot ? maybe!

Post by painterbob » Fri Oct 14, 2011 6:20 pm

Ben , here is some beta ->" onclick=";return false; we would need to be on site before 2pm. to see what it looks like before the water covers it up.

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Re: new play spot ? maybe!

Post by Ben Rodda » Fri Oct 14, 2011 10:43 pm


So am I to understand that the River fluctuates by as much as 8,000 CFS Every day? So what is the impact of this additional flow each day? How much does it actually raise the river level? I may try to head out there some time this week and take a look.

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Re: new play spot ? maybe!

Post by painterbob » Sat Oct 15, 2011 6:37 am

yes the flow is a daily outlet , and the river rise is about 3 to 4 ft......if you know the area, you can turn left just past the dam store . you come to a T intersection, turn left . you pass the boat ramp and one of the white gravel walk in spots to the second one (that's the new spot !) ... er-Map.pdf" onclick=";return false; it's below the N ,in bertrand access

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Re: new play spot ? maybe!

Post by gannon_w » Sun Oct 16, 2011 1:20 pm

"There would be minimal conflict between anglers and paddlers due to their usage at different water levels."

Ho ho minimal conflict that's funny! Anglers on the Big T were pissed when I came through "their spots" at 800 cfs! Big T is a narrow, very fast creek. Since none of ya know the Big T Imagine the Numbers at 5k cfs. Yep they were paid to take custy's fishing so they did.

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Re: new play spot ? maybe!

Post by justin.payne » Sun Oct 16, 2011 8:05 pm

gannon_w wrote:"There would be minimal conflict between anglers and paddlers due to their usage at different water levels."

Ho ho minimal conflict that's funny! Anglers on the Big T were pissed when I came through "their spots" at 800 cfs! Big T is a narrow, very fast creek. Since none of ya know the Big T Imagine the Numbers at 5k cfs. Yep they were paid to take custy's fishing so they did.
Anglers anywhere will be pissed if you paddle through their honey hole, no matter if you are running the gnarr section of Big Thompson or taking it easy on the white river. Being an angler, I would get pissed if someone caught the eddy I just saw a trout in, however being a respectful kayaker I wouldn't catch that eddy unless I absolutely had to.

If I am reading this right, it looks like you want to use the rocks for a playspot at higher river levels and the anglers would use it more at lower levels for trout habitat. Sounds like a sketchy deal and I doubt trout unlimited would be down for that.

HOWEVER, now you know that the corps have agreed to slight river modifications for recreational use, so capitalize on it. Dont be discriminated against! I'm excited for this opportunity!

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Re: new play spot ? maybe!

Post by gannon_w » Sun Oct 16, 2011 9:41 pm

So you know the Big T. I ran it 48 times this summer! They are always fishing on the section above the gnarr. Were talking tiny eddies AND the one guide I got to know said they had no business out there fishing at those levels.

Do you know the 4+ on the main section? I got caught just above the bridge at the bottom...then got worked in the semi-keeper below the big dam...BROKE a new powerhouse with like 20 river miles on it! I'm still sore about that one :)

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Re: new play spot ? maybe!

Post by painterbob » Mon Oct 17, 2011 8:14 am

true, fishing goes on durring low water. but when they blow the horn they scatter pretty fast. it takes about 20 to 30 minutes for the water to reach this section. and at high water there is only a small path way along the bank. i have fished this section for many years in the past and have never seen more than 2 or 3 weekend anglers along this mile long section? so i don't feel we would impact them in any way other than for parking . i'm going to play with some tri-angle shaped rocks to see what effect it has on the river flow. and maybe get some pictures of what we are talking about. to help with this discussion.

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Re: new play spot ? maybe!

Post by Wavesport4 » Mon Oct 17, 2011 10:18 am

Minimal conflict doesnt mean conflict doesn't exist. Though as Bob has pointed out TU actually "likes" the ACC. Cooperation between both TU and the ACC wouldn't be impossible as both share common ground: members would rather be cleaning up a river rather than being at their day job. Yes problems may arise but if a good relationship is formed solutions to conlficts could be found. Like Justin I think this is to great of an oppurtunity to pass up. Here is a link to TU's objective plans, notice that they won't even have an inventory of resources needed until 2013. ... y_2011.pdf" onclick=";return false;. This gives plenty of time to show the benefits of this spot being dual purpose.

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