Current River end of June

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Current River end of June

Post by Van » Wed May 25, 2011 5:06 pm

Planning a trip on the Current River for the end of June or first part of July. Does anyone have any input that might be helpful for planning this trip. Any input or advise would be appericated.

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Randy Dodson
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Re: Current River end of June

Post by Randy Dodson » Thu May 26, 2011 7:40 am

yes, go in the middle of the week if you don't like a crowded river.

if it's a day trip, Pulltite to Round Spring is pretty cool. Don't miss the hike up the Pulltite spring branch to see the spring and an old cabin.

Cedargrove to Akers Ferry is another great option which takes in Welch Spring, another must see.

If you need a vehicle shuttle, I suggest Carr's Canoe Rental which is located right at the Round Spring take-out. Or for areas a little further upstream like the Cedargrove to Akers Ferry run, I'd use Jadwin Canoe Rental (great people).
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Re: Current River end of June

Post by KimL » Thu May 26, 2011 9:55 pm

Randy has great advice, but I'll still throw in my two cents.

My vote would be to rent from Akers. They have always been great to rent from, even if I had to change a trip part way through. (I think this means you'll be in good hands with at least 3 outftters, as I've used Carr too.) If the water is still up, put on at Baptist Camp instead of Cedar Grove. Stop by the Nichols Cabin (river left at spring). Stop at Welch Hospital (catch it high, as the spring will make it difficult to catch it low). Baptist to Pulltite is a nice weekend trip, except for the crowds.

If you do only have a weekend, try going to Jack's Fork instead. It's a lot quieter.

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Re: Current River end of June

Post by Wildwood » Fri May 27, 2011 6:18 am

:clap: Jack's Fork gets my vote! :clap:
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Re: Current River end of June

Post by Van » Fri May 27, 2011 8:16 pm

Thank for the input guys. I can go anytime I want during the end of June / first part of July. Got 20 days of nothing of canoeing to do as long as I can find some good water somewhere. When I go it will be for at least 2 days on on the river, maybe 3 or 4.
I hear that it usually has good flow when most everything else is running low. Might be needing to shop for me a new canoe for the trip though. Bought myself a new solo canoe and my 12 took it over, bought a new 14 and half foot boat and the wife took it. Guess I will just take one of my old canoes and outfitt it like I want.

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Re: Current River end of June

Post by KimL » Sun May 29, 2011 9:27 pm

Enjoy your trip! Remember that the lower Buffalo will be floatable then too.

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Re: Current River end of June

Post by Richard » Mon May 30, 2011 10:36 am

Caution!!! It is true, the Lower Buffalo will most likely be floatable but it requires taking out on the White River and the White is dangerous right now and it may still be that way then. I would not recommend being on the White much above 20,000 cfs. Right now it is running about 50,000 cfs. The normal high with 8 gernerators going is about 20,000 cfs.

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Re: Current River end of June

Post by KimL » Tue May 31, 2011 11:53 am

Richard is right. I just meant the lower half to Rush. I would not go past Rush until the White slows down.

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Name: Van

Re: Current River end of June

Post by Van » Tue May 31, 2011 10:29 pm

Van's wife here....Now honey that is not fair, you let the 12 yr old take your solo and it's your fault I have the Saranac should never have let me try it out!!! Oh well it's mine have others to choose from....hehehehe

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