Caddo River below DeGray Dam to Ouachita River

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Re: Caddo River below DeGray Dam to Ouachita River

Post by Bennett24 » Mon Apr 18, 2011 4:51 pm

I understand. Well I'd be interested in the roll instruction I just have to find a boat first.

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Re: Caddo River below DeGray Dam to Ouachita River

Post by BEubanks » Tue Apr 19, 2011 6:31 am

Could certainly arrange that. I could provide you with a boat for learning, but you'll want to have a boat anyway, so probably better to learn in the boat you'll be paddling. Ouachita Outdoor Outfitters in Hot Springs has the biggest selection of boats in our area. They're a good place to start.

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Re: Caddo River below DeGray Dam to Ouachita River

Post by Jamie2031 » Mon Jun 27, 2011 12:38 pm

How are the levels right now? I am thinking of getting out for a float this weekend. I have been moving jobs so I need the stress relief!

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Re: Caddo River below DeGray Dam to Ouachita River

Post by BEubanks » Mon Jun 27, 2011 2:15 pm

Levels are fine until late afternoon. They start generating at the DeGray dam and the river level comes up several feet, though not all at once. People still tube it when it's high, but the risk level goes up since the current runs through the trees at the sides.

Weekends typically don't have the generation issue, but there are crowds of tubers. I'd recommend a morning start if you do a weekend. Sunday crowd seems to be less rowdy than Saturday. A couple of weeks ago, there was a big fight on one of the gravel bars. Three people arrested. One taken with broken facial bones to hospital.

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Re: Caddo River below DeGray Dam to Ouachita River

Post by Jamie2031 » Tue Jun 28, 2011 7:34 am

WOW! Good to know. We can't do Sunday because I am doing the music at a church in NLR, but if we go on Saturday or even Monday morning, we will most definitely do it early. I hate having a perfectly good float ruined by hooligans.


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Re: Caddo River below DeGray Dam to Ouachita River

Post by Jamie2031 » Tue Jul 05, 2011 8:03 am

We floated yesterday morning around 10. It was PERFECT! There were a couple of parties of tubers, but we got around them and had the river to ourselves. I am glad that we did it and was able to get out and home before the afternoon storms. The next trip, I think we will float all the way onto the Ouachita and get out at the boat ramp by Hwy 7. Think that is do-able?

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Re: Caddo River below DeGray Dam to Ouachita River

Post by AR-Nimrod » Tue Jul 05, 2011 9:39 am

Jamie2031 wrote:We floated yesterday morning around 10. It was PERFECT! There were a couple of parties of tubers, but we got around them and had the river to ourselves. I am glad that we did it and was able to get out and home before the afternoon storms. The next trip, I think we will float all the way onto the Ouachita and get out at the boat ramp by Hwy 7. Think that is do-able?

Did that one once couple summers back. Won't do it again. Once you hit the Ouachita it really slows down. The last several miles were brutal. :hammer: Hot, no shade, really slow moving water, and lots and lots of paddling. Might be ok in the fall after it cools down a little. If you could catch it with both Remmel and Degray generating it might be pretty good. A take out near the confluence would be great. Just my $0.02.
Chris Crawford

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Re: Caddo River below DeGray Dam to Ouachita River

Post by BEubanks » Tue Jul 05, 2011 2:38 pm

AR-Nimrod is right on with that advice. It's certainly doable, but be prepared for long slow pools from the Caddo confluence to the takeout by the Hwy 7 bridge in Arkadelphia. If you do it, I'd start at the bridge in Caddo Valley to knock off that upper two miles. From the Caddo confluence on down to Hwy 7 it's about 6 miles. So total of about 8 miles. Very few spots with noticeable current unless Remmel is generating.

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Re: Caddo River below DeGray Dam to Ouachita River

Post by JeffT » Tue Jul 05, 2011 5:27 pm

Last time I was there the guy at Caddo Valley hit me for 5 bucks just to park a car.
I understand it's his property and he's trying to make money renting canoes. 5 bucks just hit me the wrong way.

The lower Caddo is nearly always an easy float. Enough water to avoid dragging bottom but not enough to make it scary. I said NEARLY.
Sometimes the partiers are there, usually weekend afternoons.

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Re: Caddo River below DeGray Dam to Ouachita River

Post by Jim Krueger » Tue Jul 05, 2011 11:31 pm


I'm very sorry Rick's parking fees rubbed you the wrong way, but he was being overwhelmed for years by the most inconsiderate folks at times, yet he had to clean up the trash from every weekend. I know this because I worked there several Summers myself.
I feel much like you in wanting to avoid paying anything on any river I float considering I have my own boats, shuttle, and so forth. Being a long-time paddler of the Lower Caddo, I'm truly sorry we couldn't have visited earlier, I would have gladly suggested some parking in the same general area without adding to your expense...


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Re: Caddo River below DeGray Dam to Ouachita River

Post by Jamie2031 » Wed Jul 06, 2011 12:44 pm

Thanks for the advice regarding the Ouachita section. Very good to know!!! I did not mind paying the 5 dollars to park. I totally understand after seeing how it got over there during my college years. I just took Mr. Eubanks's advice and got out there early so we managed to not have to deal with a bunch of loud party people. I don't like my tranquility interrupted. The float itself was perfect and the levels were great for the yaks.

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Re: Caddo River below DeGray Dam to Ouachita River

Post by Riverrat2011 » Wed Jul 13, 2011 11:04 am

We are floating the caddo today where should we let in and park for free

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Re: Caddo River below DeGray Dam to Ouachita River

Post by cj5752 » Wed Jul 13, 2011 3:20 pm

I don't think they collect the $5 during the week. They are only open on weekends. Correct me if I'm wrong.

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Re: Caddo River below DeGray Dam to Ouachita River

Post by BEubanks » Wed Jul 13, 2011 4:17 pm

I drive by there every day but it's hard to tell from the road if someone's staffing the place. I see the parking $ sign out but haven't seen anyone out collecting. Next time I go by I'll try to remember to drive in and check their hours of operation.

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Re: Caddo River below DeGray Dam to Ouachita River

Post by Jim Krueger » Wed Jul 13, 2011 6:18 pm

I was down in Arkadelphia today on business and made three trips over the Hwy 67 bridge, I noticed several vehicles parked, boy I wish I hadn't had an eye appointment, and had my swimming duds on, I really wanted to just jump in the river after my Mexican food lunch at Caddo Valley :) + the 105 temps :(
I think the one poster was correct in that it's no problem on weekdays to probably park wherever you please. On the weekends as per the other poster, I know the Two Rivers lot can be full of paying customers, so at that time I recommend you just park on the other side of the old Railroad Salvage building, 'way' off in the distance, there are several acres over there,and not part of the Two River lease. It's a good ways from the river but gets private boaters like me well away from from taking the spaces needed for 'Paying' customers of the float service. As a side note, some of the paying customers actions remind me of 'laying pearls before swine'... None the less, you can always get your vehicle at the end of the float and pull it up close to the river to load without penality.


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