mohawk intrepid

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nathan richard
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mohawk intrepid

Post by nathan richard » Wed Dec 22, 2010 10:59 pm

my brother is going to get a new canoe, and i suggested a 16' mohawk intrepid. we like class II+ creeks and also enjoy overnight trips on calmer streams.
I'd like to hear any feedback anyone has about this boat.

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Re: mohawk intrepid

Post by Shep » Thu Dec 23, 2010 7:51 am

I don't know anything about the boat, but I do know that Dave Thomas can talk to you about your favorite rivers, and possibly suggest some tweaks (like thwart length.) One of the great advantages of buying Mohawk here in Arkansas is the bespoke boat! :)

Paul Shepherd

"Believe me, my young friend, there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats (said the water rat solemnly)." - Kenneth Grahame, The Wind in the Willows

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Eric Esche
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Re: mohawk intrepid

Post by Eric Esche » Thu Dec 23, 2010 4:12 pm

Ask Pam aka Mohawk Lady. Think she has one. At least that's what I think what got loaded on the Suburban a few times.

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Re: mohawk intrepid

Post by mohawklady » Sun Dec 26, 2010 11:33 am

I have a 17ft intrepid, bought it new back in 93 and still have it. It is a great boat for overnighters and class II and III's When I bought mine my boys were 8 and 10 and we never even came close to tipping it. A very stable boatand great for camping, I probably have close to 2000 miles on it camping and floating. Now I get to enjoy it with my 3 yr grandson and look forward to putting many more miles on it. Pam

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Dave Thomas
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Re: mohawk intrepid

Post by Dave Thomas » Wed Dec 29, 2010 1:38 pm

nathan richard wrote:my brother is going to get a new canoe, and i suggested a 16' mohawk intrepid. we like class II+ creeks and also enjoy overnight trips on calmer streams.
I'd like to hear any feedback anyone has about this boat.
The Intrepid model is our ‘most versatile’ model. It serves as an effective overnight tripper, as well as being a great boat for recreational day floats. The Intrepid 17 has a, conservatively figured, capacity of 1080 pounds. That will allow for both you, and your brother to pack plenty of gear for extended trips. In addition, the ends of the Intrepid are slightly flared to increase its performance in whitewater. I have Intrepid 16 and 17’s in stock at the Mohawk Canoe Co. - Fort Smith Shop if you are interested. I even have slightly blemished hulls in both sizes which are available at reduced prices. Also, all current ACC members will receive an additional discount to boot.
Paddle on,
Dave Thomas

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