Is Rockport all that safe??? Not Today!!!

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Re: Is Rockport all that safe??? Not Today!!!

Post by Cowper » Thu Aug 19, 2010 10:24 pm

Sir Kayakalot wrote:Question: has the wave changed since
Saturday 14th, are the 2 sticky holes
worse, better, or about the same. In other
words, is the ledge/rock still shifting or
does it seem to be staying as it was at home-
town throwdown 3?
I asked the same question and was told that yes, the river left hole was different and stickier on Sunday the 15th than it was on Saturday the 14th. A more detailed answer will have to come from someone else; I was only there on the 14th.
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Re: Is Rockport all that safe??? Not Today!!!

Post by JTarver » Fri Aug 20, 2010 2:05 pm

I completely agree with Jeremy on this. Having powerboats on the river isn't the problem. Having them blasting up and down the wave jumping it like they are auditioning for the X games is a problem. They have every right to be on the river, but not endangering the other tubers, boaters, and swimmers. There are a couple hundred more yards of river that are just as easily accessible (if not more so), yet they don't get to have "air time" by going those routes. The very large, very conspicuous 6.5 foot rock out in the parking lot even says "Ouachita River Whitewater Boating park". Motor boats aren't whitewater boats. They have plenty of other safe, usable access yet refuse to take these routes, and also expect us to "deal with it". Any work that is done on the ledge to repair flood event damage, etc. doesn't stand up to the punishment of these power boats.

More importantly, and I think this is what Sabrina was referring to in her statement Jim, is that these boats jumping the ledge can't see boaters or tubers when they are in the features, much less a kid on a boogie board. We had a close call during the Hometown Throwdown with some guy in a Jon Boat running up on the eddy rock with boaters right behind it. It's an increasingly dangerous situation, and I'd rather be proactive in getting something done about it, rather than posthumously on someone's behalf after an accident. It's a matter of time before it happens, we need to act on it now. If anyone has any suggestions on the best course of action speak up, count me in to help any way I can. And to reiterate Jeremys statement, accepting it as "part of river living" isn't an option at all.

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Re: Is Rockport all that safe??? Not Today!!!

Post by SteveGabbard » Fri Aug 20, 2010 3:24 pm

While you guys figure out a way to handle the situation, keep in mind that the results of some "whitewater fairies in them purty little boats" getting these guys in trouble and ruining their fun will be increased tension with the locals.

It made me sick seeing those guys running the rapids and thinking of someone being in the way. But this is a very delicate and possibly volatile situation.

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Re: Is Rockport all that safe??? Not Today!!!

Post by Karla » Fri Aug 20, 2010 4:29 pm

Can they not have people in authority on the river in boats to catch these guys and stop this from happening. Rather see something happening now to stop this carelessness before someone is injured badly or killed.

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Re: Is Rockport all that safe??? Not Today!!!

Post by martinm » Fri Aug 20, 2010 5:49 pm

Here's the AGFC contact for the Enforcement District for Hot Spring County. They are the folks who enforce the boating laws. Their office is at the Hot Springs Fish Hatchery, so they could be down there pretty quick.

My experience with them is that they are professional and take their jobs very seriously. Suggest you inform them of some of the near accidents there.

Does anyone know if any AGFC $$ went into the boat ramp or park? If so, you might mention that to the officers, although it really shouldn't matter.

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Re: Is Rockport all that safe??? Not Today!!!

Post by martinm » Fri Aug 20, 2010 5:50 pm

Forgot to add, after the map opens up, ya gotta click on the A3 Zone. That will take you to the folks responsible for Hot Spring County.

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Re: Is Rockport all that safe??? Not Today!!!

Post by JTarver » Fri Aug 20, 2010 6:33 pm

Volatile or not, I am unphased. My kids play at Rockport, my friends kids play at Rockport. If something happens to one of them because a random bunch of drunks have no regard for others safety, there is definately going to be a situation. I'd rather it not get to that point if we can prevent it.

Thanks for the link Martin, that should be a big help.

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Re: Is Rockport all that safe??? Not Today!!!

Post by Tmuse » Fri Aug 20, 2010 9:25 pm

Sorry Scott, your post got hi- jacked, I totally agree with Joe and anyone who wants to keep the kids and rockport safe from these hoped up flat bottom boats, got to get these guys to slow down, and quit jumping the wave. Need some no wake zone buoys in the water!

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Re: Is Rockport all that safe??? Not Today!!!

Post by RomanLA » Sat Aug 21, 2010 12:26 am

I'm glad to hear that the feature has changed. I was only there a short time and saw a couple of incidents. If I had to guess, I'd say the change may have been caused by a motor boat. Someone probably went through during the day with no problem and came back at night when the level was down and hit the ledge. I'd suggest making a no wake zone a couple hundred yards above and below the ledge. That will require making a place for boats to pass though.

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Re: Is Rockport all that safe??? Not Today!!!

Post by Cowper » Sat Aug 21, 2010 12:52 am

Karla wrote:Can they not have people in authority on the river in boats to catch these guys and stop this from happening.
They tried for awhile, but it doesn't happen every day. And the folks doing this stuff aren't as likely to go charging through at high speed when there are AGFC boats, trucks or uniforms in the area.
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Re: Is Rockport all that safe??? Not Today!!!

Post by Karla » Sat Aug 21, 2010 10:40 pm

Well, for the safety of all concerned playing at the ledge, they need to be visable everyday so this stuff don't happen. What will it take, someone to get hurt or killed then they take action. :hammer:


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Re: Is Rockport all that safe??? Not Today!!!

Post by turboturtle » Sun Aug 22, 2010 2:41 pm

A couple of years ago I was within inches of being run over by a power boat. The a**hats never saw me! Their was also a rather large AGFC officer warming up a bench on river left. When I approached him about this, he said he couldn't comment on the situation.
Is this the AGFC you all were talking about. What a Joke! Danger is everywhere. If you can't watch out for your own a** nobody else is going too.
I agree, something has to be done about the power boat situation, but just what? Don't expect the AGFC to come to our rescue!

Just stirring the soup! :evil:

aka Bob
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Re: Is Rockport all that safe??? Not Today!!!

Post by 501naildriver » Sun Aug 22, 2010 4:50 pm

I totally know what turboturtle is talking about! I have seen, and heard the same response, from the same officer. I , because of skill level, and health issues, spend a lot of time close to the benches and shoreline, therefore I am privvy to a lot of conversations, especially those addressed to people of authority. The time to act is now, not after a small child gets maimed, or killed! As a past paramedic, I know the anguish and horror of accidents involving children. I guess what I'm trying to say is, I know there is an ACC member in the right position to talk to the right people to get this VERY dangerous situation resolved.

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Re: Is Rockport all that safe??? Not Today!!!

Post by Dave Thomas » Sun Aug 22, 2010 5:55 pm

Unlawful operation of boats is illegal and local law enforcement agencies may also be called on to respond. If possible get the registration number of the offending boat to help the authorities. ... he_law.pdf" onclick=";return false;
Paddle on,
Dave Thomas

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