Canoe Jousting Anyone?

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Dave Thomas
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Canoe Jousting Anyone?

Post by Dave Thomas » Wed Jul 07, 2010 10:01 pm

If anyone is interested, I have a set of canoe jousting lances and close range lances on loan from some members of the Tennessee Valley Canoe Club. I'm in Fort Smith, but I wouldn't mind driving a little to get some paddlers together.
Paddle on,
Dave Thomas

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Re: Canoe Jousting Anyone?

Post by Dave Thomas » Wed Jul 07, 2010 11:33 pm

FYI---The lances I have are not like the ones pictured on" onclick=";return false;. Mine are about 7 feet long with a 8"x8"x24" block of foam on the end and a 4"x4"x4" foam block at the handle. I also have a set of shorter (3'), close range lances/clubs. They are made the same way but with a 8"x8"x12" foam blocks. I'll see what I can do about posting some pics.
Paddle on,
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Re: Canoe Jousting Anyone?

Post by ARzach » Thu Jul 08, 2010 10:25 am

David Thomas wrote:FYI---The lances I have are not like the ones pictured on" onclick=";return false;. Mine are about 7 feet long with a 8"x8"x24" block of foam on the end and a 4"x4"x4" foam block at the handle. I also have a set of shorter (3'), close range lances/clubs. They are made the same way but with a 8"x8"x12" foam blocks. I'll see what I can do about posting some pics.
I would love to see some pictures, and may be interested in trying out some jousting. I live in Fayetteville and don't make it down to the Fort much, but might give you a holler in a week or two when my gas fund gets slightly larger ;)

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Re: Canoe Jousting Anyone?

Post by Godzilla » Thu Jul 08, 2010 12:03 pm


Maybe we need to pick up the 3' set to have to settle any disputes that arise during boatball or maybe just for half time entertainment. :hammer:

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Re: Canoe Jousting Anyone?

Post by Regud » Thu Jul 08, 2010 1:13 pm

Godzilla wrote:Zach

Maybe we need to pick up the 3' set to have to settle any disputes that arise during boatball or maybe just for half time entertainment. :hammer:
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Victor Caballeros
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Re: Canoe Jousting Anyone?

Post by Victor Caballeros » Thu Jul 08, 2010 1:28 pm

I have them Ryan! I thinking Jousting at boat ball would be fun thing to do while we wait!! I have a great helmet that I will have to bring next tuesday
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Dave Thomas
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Re: Canoe Jousting Anyone?

Post by Dave Thomas » Fri Jul 09, 2010 2:42 pm

Have you guys decided on a venue for the next boatball game? I'd be glad to bring the lances with.
Paddle on,
Dave Thomas

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Re: Canoe Jousting Anyone?

Post by Dave Thomas » Sat Jul 10, 2010 12:04 am

I'll also throw a couple of Mohawk tandem canoes on the trailer for folks to use if they want.
Paddle on,
Dave Thomas

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Re: Canoe Jousting Anyone?

Post by Lemme Hucknboof » Sun Jul 11, 2010 7:57 pm

That would be awesome to get some jousting action! Definetly wearing a full face helmet. Victor I sure hope the "great helmet" has a Pioneer on it! Can't wait....

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Eric Esche
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Re: Canoe Jousting Anyone?

Post by Eric Esche » Sun Jul 11, 2010 8:40 pm

With my neck being what it is, I'm not going to joust any more, BUT if anyone wants to borrow my face guard Hockey helmet, they are welcome to come by and get it for a loaner. I also have some martial arts padding for someone small that would work.

I've jousted on horseback and in a canoe 30+ years ago and it is fun, be it on a horse or in a canoe. We did it on Stone Mountain lake before our boat ball games, and I did it on horseback in Connecticut growing up. Steady hand and a great stern partner are the key in a canoe. Anchored floating polypropylene rope for a divider are what we used for the lane divider.

TAKE MY ADVICE AND WEAR EXTRA PADDING. In 60+ horseback jousts, I never was dismounted, but even near blows can hurt for weeks. In canoe, you don't go anywhere near as fast, but you can still take a hit and canoe gunnels and the lance shaft are almost as unforgiving as the ground. Best hits are center mass, but if you aim for the head, most folks flinch. Your stern paddler wants a big bladed stick and a fast stroke count for speed and lane correction. Foam cervical neck collars are also a good idea.

Eric Esche - Monte Ne

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Dave Thomas
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Re: Canoe Jousting Anyone?

Post by Dave Thomas » Mon Jul 12, 2010 6:06 pm

I was thinking along the lines of an American Gladiator style of match. Where the boats are confined to a general area and just sort of 'go at it'. I think not having the restrictions of marked lanes will make for better matches. Not only will it be more interesting to watch, but for the paddlers I think it will test their skills as a team more. I'll be bringing the lances to Surf and Turf, along with a couple tandem boats to be available to paddle. It seems to me that every area has their own rules. These were taken from

Form of teams
Each team shall consist of:
* 1 boat
* 2 people
* 2 paddles
* 2 helmets
* 2 seven foot lances
* 2 three foot lances
* 2 life vests, which must be used in the manufacturer's recommended manner
* Optional equiptment - goggles (to not lose contact lenses), gloves (for better grip on the lance), swim shoes (to keep feet out of the muck when in the water), cigarettes, viking helmets (for style)

All jousters much be sufficient age and stature to compete without significant chance of injury.

Officials: The official judges shall be decreed to be those gathered that are not actively jousting and care about the ongoing match. Their rulings are final. At the discretion of the officialls, they may elect a set of static officials to take over this function.

Faults and Penalties
* Unsportsman-like conduct
* Hitting the neck or above on a jouster, or below the waist
* Illegal hits on the canoe
* Grappling
* Bailing your canoe of water. This fault is always assessed a "loss of lance" penalty
* Maneuvering outside the predesignated area

* Official warning - reserved for minor infraction
* Loss of Lance
* Removal from tournament and/or location - reserved for the most severe of infractions or repeat offense.

Deciding victory
Victory for a match occurs when:
* A jouster is ejected from the opposing canoe
* the opposing canoe capsizes
* a team is disqualified for any reason
* a team is penalized to the point where it lacks any legal way to fulfill the first two conditions

We will definitely need to make some changes and clarify these rules, but it's a starting point. Please post any suggestions so that we can add an ACC area twist to the game.

Another thing that's needed is a non-biased official/referee for Surf and Turf. Eric, you seem to have some experience with this. :poke:

I'm sure there will be plenty of Kodak moments, so if someone has a camera, that will come in handy too.
Paddle on,
Dave Thomas

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Re: Canoe Jousting Anyone?

Post by Dave Thomas » Mon Jul 12, 2010 7:13 pm

"Have you got a helmet?" asks Wyatt.

"Oh, oh I've got a helmet," he grins, "I've got a beauty!" said George.
george_2.jpg (10.93 KiB) Viewed 1524 times
Paddle on,
Dave Thomas

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Re: Canoe Jousting Anyone?

Post by Dave Thomas » Mon Jul 12, 2010 7:19 pm

Perhaps a separate prize should be given to the paddler with the best helmet.
Paddle on,
Dave Thomas

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Eric Esche
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Re: Canoe Jousting Anyone?

Post by Eric Esche » Mon Jul 12, 2010 8:50 pm

I have a whistle or 4, but am not planning on being there at this time.

And from past experience, an airhorn works better than a whistle, as whistles can be hard to hear when crowds are cheering and one is wearing a helmet. Judges usually announce before hand what their signels mean.

In past, the signels that judges have used when I canoe jousted were:

Short blast means start, or warning if advance has already begun. Two shorts mean restart, for what ever reason. Longer blast means IMMEDIATE HALT and DESIST. Three short blasts mean round is over.

Flags were used at some of the horseback jousts I attended, and it was hilarious when the flags spooked the horses, as well as not being much use, as with a helm on, you can barely see straight ahead, much less over to the sides where the flaggers were positioned.


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Re: Canoe Jousting Anyone?

Post by Dave Thomas » Tue Jul 13, 2010 11:08 pm

Thanks for the 411 Eric.
Paddle on,
Dave Thomas

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