DIY Buffalo river overnighter with 10yr old son

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DIY Buffalo river overnighter with 10yr old son

Post by wgonfan » Tue Jun 29, 2010 11:45 pm

Not sure if i should of posted this in the rec/touring section. If so, can a mod please move it. also, don't shoot me if this is been asked 100times before, i tried searching but could get it to give me decent results.

Its been about 7yrs since I've made a trip as far north as the buffalo, but i was playing with the idea of taking my son on an overnight float of either the middle or lower buffalo this weekend. I have my own canoe so I'm looking for some suggestions as far as put-in, take out and shuttle. also any advice on a good stopping spot to camp between the put-in and take out. Also, do you guys think it will be float-able this weekend? last time (and only time) I went up there I used a concessionaire (cant remember who) in St. Joe/silver hill area and I was really please with him and the float, so I'm not opposed to leaving my boat at home and renting one if you guys think thats the easier thing to do. I'd prefer to leave my truck parked somewhere secure.

We are also thinking about visiting some caverns while we are up that way so any suggestions on that?

I am open to suggestion other that the buffalo too. I just wanna take my boy on something a bit different than the typical camping trip to Degray or theme park visit.

weird, not sure why my post count is only at "1". I guess its from on of the upgrades to the forum. I've been around here since 04-ish but mostly only lurk.

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Re: DIY Buffalo river overnighter with 10yr old son

Post by Clif » Wed Jun 30, 2010 6:16 am

Unless we get some rains... THIS PAGE says there ain't much water. You only got a half foot left to keep it in the good levels.

On a weekday you are good, may be crowded in on Sat and Sun. Spring creek to Hwy 14 would be a good play length. Down to Rush may get long with little current. I have no idea how many good camp spots are between Spring Creek and takeout.

Blanchard Springs is not far away with a wonderful cave. Be sure to drive to the bottom and see the spring where the stream leaves the inside of the mountain.

Sad to say, low water limitations. Some other trips can be made. Shorter is better when this low. Swim, play, but longer will make for lots of paddling.
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Re: DIY Buffalo river overnighter with 10yr old son

Post by painterbob » Wed Jun 30, 2010 6:21 am

on the lower end your shuttle guy would be buffalo river float service! and in the middle silver hills. the upper district has just shut down due to low water conditions . call and ask about private shuttle, some only move people. some will move cars for you. the caves.. you have one on hwy 65n. and one on hwy 7s. ...and stop lurking :poke: ... post it up :clap:

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Re: DIY Buffalo river overnighter with 10yr old son

Post by ieatcrayons » Wed Jun 30, 2010 8:38 am

on the caverns.... if your talking about the ones on the river. they will all be closed due to WNS. an i'm sure they wont reopen them anytime soon. as to the river. some friends of mine floated it this past weekend. from Gilbert to Dillards Ferry. he said the water was low and they did drag but it wasn't that bad. he said what was bad was the sun! lol and the non moving water. aka Lots of paddling. but said they had fun. he used buffalo river outfitters.. i think thats there name. and was not happy with them. that they would be using Wild Bills next time. i think wild bills ended up helping them get back to there cars. and i think wild bills is pretty easy going on the shuttling. pretty much.. you will have water on the lower. plenty of places to camp. but will be doing a lot of paddling. Good luck and have fun!
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Re: DIY Buffalo river overnighter with 10yr old son

Post by garrfish » Wed Jun 30, 2010 8:44 am

floated the middle sunday (6/27) it was low you will drag in the shoals we were in kayaks great time we went to tyler bend and took out in gilbert the people there were great they also said the lower was better right now it had more water . we had a great time very nice area hope this helps

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Re: DIY Buffalo river overnighter with 10yr old son.

Post by wgonfan » Wed Jun 30, 2010 9:02 am

Good info, thanks guys.
I'm not really chained to the buffalo and it sounds like I may want to find something else. Is there anything else up that way or into southren mo. That would have more water and still offer river side camping/overnight canoeing?

Pretty much looking for anything north of lake degray and south of st. Louis. I'm just not familiar with what that area has to offer.

Think I might start a new thread, in regards to destination suggestions.

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