Todays swimming adventure at Longpool.

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Tofu Canoe
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Todays swimming adventure at Longpool.

Post by Tofu Canoe » Wed Jun 23, 2010 5:13 pm

I thought I'd drive from Russellville to long-pool to cool, off, stopped by Moores and said hello, then off to the swimming hole. When I got there its didn't seem like many people, and there wasn't for a change. got in the water and it was really warm, its was kinda strange. and then I remembered why I don't like coming to places like this to swim. tons of trashy moms and dads cursing and yelling at their children, dirty diapers on the beach, Mexicans blaring their horrible polka like music. needless to say, it will be a long time before I Swim there again. it sad when people who really dont give a damn ruin it for the people who do.
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Re: Todays swimming adventure at Longpool.

Post by Gink » Wed Jun 23, 2010 6:18 pm

Hmm how do I say this without being thrashed? Perhaps under the circumstances it may be best not even to respond -- even if so my most friendly and diplomatic tone:

These are probably the type of opinions that one should simply keep to themselves or share with the other members in private as it really doesn't support the ACC's agenda to avoid subject matter that may reflect "negatively" on the club. The old adage "if you can't say anything nice..." seems to apply for if I were Hispanic, enjoyed the sound of a jarana huasteca, had a child in diapers or if I simply loved to curse and yell within our national forests while recreating with my family I might take offense to some of your comments.

Just saying... that from the emails I received earlier this month -- the message board is not to be used as a forum in which to disparage other people and other cultures. As all I did was come to the defense of a handful of civil servants - I can only imagine what hate mail you will soon find in your mailbox.

See PM.

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Re: Todays swimming adventure at Longpool.

Post by rickyrod » Wed Jun 23, 2010 6:22 pm

Thanks gink you saved me the time and aggravation. glad you said it before i did.

Ricky Rodriguez

I do agree with somthing he wrote " we live and die with our opinions" should read (to ourselves).altho nothing urks me more than someone who screams at there kids. and nothing worse than trash around a swimmnhole. and dont realy like the music. but theres Aholes allover the world.

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Re: Todays swimming adventure at Longpool.

Post by Gink » Wed Jun 23, 2010 6:56 pm

I'd be wanting to rant myself under similar circumstances but alas...this simply isn't the right forum. It's a great resource and its got everything else in Arkansas beat when it comes to receational paddling. Tofu had an important message but everything he said could have been said without maligning other people and cultures.

P.S. Not only are there "aholes all over the world"; we are all aholes at one time or another.

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Tofu Canoe
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Re: Todays swimming adventure at Longpool.

Post by Tofu Canoe » Wed Jun 23, 2010 7:29 pm

I apologize if I offended anyone, that wasn't my intent. When it comes down to it, I don't want to hear anyone's music (I don't care what your ethnicity or musical tastes are), its the same thing when I'm driving down the road and I'm at a stoplight and someone is blaring Rap music at an extreme level and shaking my car. but then?, where do my rights begin, and where do they end?. if I ask someone to please turn down their music, heck they could start an altercation with me, who knows?. I just think when it comes down to it, most people don't have manners, they don't think about their actions adversely affecting others.
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Re: Todays swimming adventure at Longpool.

Post by rynorris » Wed Jun 23, 2010 8:08 pm

HEY!!! You haven't lived until you've danced to polka music in a dirty diaper.

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Re: Todays swimming adventure at Longpool.

Post by Jaytee » Wed Jun 23, 2010 9:07 pm

I could not be more embarrassed for the club by this racial reference on the website... and the negative energy from the rest kinda bites, too. I won't post all the rant I should have but I'm reminded of a tune by the Indigo Girls singing about going to the outdoors where there's Hispanic music ....

when the summer comes everythings in bloom
and you wouldn't know it's there
and the white folks like to pretend it's not
but their music's in the air
and you can hear em singing
la la la they said shame on you
you can feel em dancing
la la la they said shame on you

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Re: Todays swimming adventure at Longpool.

Post by Ryan Center » Wed Jun 23, 2010 9:26 pm

rynorris wrote:HEY!!! You haven't lived until you've danced to polka music in a dirty diaper.
Now that's funny.

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Re: Todays swimming adventure at Longpool.

Post by Aunt Bee » Wed Jun 23, 2010 11:41 pm

Years back I remember running a seldom paddled creek in remote forest with a big group of kayakers. A true motley crew, we weren’t exactly quiet, politically correct or even color coordinated. I’ll never forget the disappointment on the face of a lone, solace-seeking gentleman on the riverbank as we carelessly invaded.

A few weeks back a group of eleven of us pulled our kayaks from a river and accidentally stumbled through a lone, minimum-impact fisherman’s campsite. He didn’t appear pleased while groaning and squirming around in his little bivy-hammock. We were within earshot for 20 minutes while the boat/vehicle song and dance took place.

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Re: Todays swimming adventure at Longpool.

Post by justin.payne » Thu Jun 24, 2010 7:58 am

I do understand where you are coming from Tofu. I used to spend alot of time down at longpool. I think everyone in this forum understands what you meant, although you went about explaining it in a aggrevated stereotypical type of way. I have heard several other ethnic groups "blaring" thier perferred musical taste down there as well.

You have every right to enjoy a peaceful swim at longpool as the rest of the crowd. Nobody enjoys 1 small group of people blaring thier music so loud it intrudes on everyone else, but all you have to do is be proactive. Keep in mind there is a loud noise ordinance. There are park rangers down there all the time, ask them about it. Loud noise ordinance tickets are not cheap and if someone ever gets stuck with one down there, there will be no more loud music, ill bet money on that. My LNO ticket cost almost $300.

As for the dirty diapers and trash, I would make a point to go down there and pick up peoples trash right from under thier feet. Literally, as soon as they throw it down. If that doesnt work, get back in touch with your Game and Fish Commissioner or Park Ranger. That $3/car to use the area, that most people do not pay anyhow, doesnt go very far to pay someone to monitor the area.

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Re: Todays swimming adventure at Longpool.

Post by Renee H » Thu Jun 24, 2010 8:48 am

Hey Tofu - you should have been at Rockport this past weekend! I'm with you on the music thing - you should not have to listen to someone else blaring their music no matter what the genre! It is downright rude!

But if you thought your swim experience was bad at Longpool - come to Rockport ledge on Saturday & Sunday. You will find every kind of misfit there. Last weekend, someone almost drowned but thanks to kayakers they pulled the unruly girl (who looked like a boy) out of the water and saved her life. Apparently she was so drunk she passed out and floated face down in the water after falling off her blow up air mattress. Then my husband was one of 3 who was scolded by some other drunk girls for not helping them get their inflatable boat to the steps when they could have easily gone to the boat ramp. And Sunday, 2 drunk guys got into it with one getting knocked out so bad that EMTs and police had to come for a second day in a row! A couple weekends before some jerks (1 man, 2 women) raced their motor boat up the ledge almost hitting kayakers and some kids tubing! Yes, they were drunk too.

I hate to say this (because I LOVE to drink beer on a hot day at the river after paddling), but I almost wish they would enforce a no alcohol rule or stage some sobriety checkpoints at Remmel Dam and the ledge. Then maybe we'd eliminate some of this rif-raf! The officers said the problem with enforcing the laws is that Remmel dam is in one county and the ledge is in another. Maybe Game and Fish will get involved and help with this problem.

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Re: Todays swimming adventure at Longpool.

Post by rickyrod » Thu Jun 24, 2010 9:05 am

Tofu Canoe wrote:I apologize if I offended anyone, that wasn't my intent. When it comes down to it, I don't want to hear anyone's music (I don't care what your ethnicity or musical tastes are), its the same thing when I'm driving down the road and I'm at a stoplight and someone is blaring Rap music at an extreme level and shaking my car. but then?, where do my rights begin, and where do they end?. if I ask someone to please turn down their music, heck they could start an altercation with me, who knows?. I just think when it comes down to it, most people don't have manners, they don't think about their actions adversely affecting others.
all good bro. :beer: a beer for all of you. (drink them at home tho) she's rite some of us just don't know what (1) beer is and before you know it your picking a fight or burning down a church.
coming from someone who hasn't had a beer or drink in about 10 hours. alch. plays a strong roll in the fups ppl do. and we (hispanics)love to drink and get brown necked!!but if it wern't for drunk chicks like the ones at the ledge i'd never have dated, had kids, or lost my job.

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Re: Todays swimming adventure at Longpool.

Post by GN YAKN » Thu Jun 24, 2010 10:02 am

Love your perspective, Ricky Rod! :beer:
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Re: Todays swimming adventure at Longpool.

Post by Gink » Thu Jun 24, 2010 12:02 pm

And tis' hard to keep things positive when folks are polluting our water and air -- be it trash or obnoxious music/sounds.

And I'm glad Renee' brought up Rockport -- what an absolutely great resource! But it's also an example of the old "build it and they will come" adage for come they did -- and out from every rock in every hollow. And that behavior which may be acceptable in one's trailer/shack/lean-to back home (note the inherent bias/perception) well it's hard for me to stomach at times too. I am sure nearly all these folks have hearts of gold and are good people, probably even many of them my friends but nevertheless....

I think there is really only one long-term effective remedy: education!

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Re: Todays swimming adventure at Longpool.

Post by justin.payne » Thu Jun 24, 2010 12:20 pm

Couldnt agree more Gink :clap: :clap:

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