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by Cowper
Sun May 13, 2018 7:32 am
Forum: Lost and Found
Topic: Lost/ Sunk - Ascend H12 on the King's
Replies: 4
Views: 13606

Re: Lost/ Sunk - Ascend H12 on the King's

I feel like a character from Beavis and Butthead. The message board software won't let me say d*ck's Sporting goods, but if I say Dicks without the apostrophe, it slides right through.
by Cowper
Sun May 13, 2018 7:30 am
Forum: Lost and Found
Topic: Lost/ Sunk - Ascend H12 on the King's
Replies: 4
Views: 13606

Re: Lost/ Sunk - Ascend H12 on the King's

That's GREAT! Your story leads me to a couple of other thoughts. If the wallet hadn't been in there, would Mr. Freedom have known how to get you? In some states it is the law that you have to write your name and phone number in your boat. Big Brother doesn't care if you get your boat back, but he do...
by Cowper
Sat May 12, 2018 9:02 pm
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Buffalo River - Rush to White River
Replies: 4
Views: 3351

Re: Buffalo River - Rush to White River

I find the best reference is the site already referenced by Roger above, even though you have to click around a bit to get what you want: Per this site, on the Harriet gauge, 6.08 feet to 10.54 feet is "Experienced only" (I think they call it "h...
by Cowper
Thu May 10, 2018 7:06 am
Forum: Lost and Found
Topic: Lost/ Sunk - Ascend H12 on the King's
Replies: 4
Views: 13606

Re: Lost/ Sunk - Ascend H12 on the King's

Wish I lived closer, I'd help out. I'm curious, when you say "sunk", Most kayaks will float at least a little bit even when full of water; is the boat pinned on something in the current, or is it truly just "sunk" and on the bottom? If you get it back, I'd figure a way to put som...
by Cowper
Wed May 02, 2018 8:26 am
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Bluffton preserve to Clinton
Replies: 1
Views: 1280

Re: Bluffton preserve to Clinton

I'd have to measure it out on google earth, but I can tell you off the top of my head it is a good length, not too short, not too long. For me that means it is between 6 and 10 miles, just not sure which end of that scale is correct. Difficulty wise, at typical water levels if your group was fine on...
by Cowper
Wed May 02, 2018 8:21 am
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: any members ordained?
Replies: 2
Views: 1789

Re: any members ordained?

Also Aly Signorelli.
by Cowper
Wed Feb 28, 2018 7:13 pm
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Carry Water for multi-day trip on Buffalo?
Replies: 6
Views: 3517

Re: Carry Water for multi-day trip on Buffalo?

Filters get bacteria and larger "bugs", but no filter can remove viruses. Although rare, it is easy to eliminate worry about those too with a very light dose of chlorox added to the filtered water. (google it to find proper dilution ratios). Also, some recent studies suggest that hand wash...
by Cowper
Fri Nov 03, 2017 7:34 pm
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Dumping of Animal Carcasses Along Waterways
Replies: 1
Views: 1327

Re: Dumping of Animal Carcasses Along Waterways

I've seen some of the dumping there in the past, but nothing as bad as what you're seeing now. I'd start with AG&F. The presence of a ramp there suggests they might have an interest. If they built the ramp and turned over maintenance to some other entity (Conway, Faulkner County, AHTD, whoever) ...
by Cowper
Tue Jun 27, 2017 1:02 am
Forum: Lost and Found
Topic: Found on Cadron 6/26/17- Kayak paddles, fishing pole
Replies: 0
Views: 8745

Found on Cadron 6/26/17- Kayak paddles, fishing pole

Found - Cadron Creek, near "Daddy's Knee" (upstream of Hwy 65 access) - kayak paddles, fishing pole. Confess your sins (tell the story) and describe for return to rightful owners. Although found 6/26/17, I'd say both kayak paddles have been in the water for at least several weeks, maybe lo...
by Cowper
Wed May 17, 2017 11:13 pm
Forum: Lost and Found
Topic: FOUND - Pelican Kayak on Cadron Creek (5/17/2017)
Replies: 0
Views: 9091

FOUND - Pelican Kayak on Cadron Creek (5/17/2017)

FOUND - Pelican Kayak on Cadron, below Hwy 65. Describe contents or provide serial number to claim. Some damage from being folded around a tree, but it floats with only a minor leak. If it goes unclaimed, I'm going to donate it to a youth program for inner city kids. Kayak found on 5/17/2017, and ba...
by Cowper
Wed May 17, 2017 11:03 pm
Forum: Lost and Found
Topic: FOUND - Raft on Richland Creek
Replies: 0
Views: 8708

FOUND - Raft on Richland Creek

Raft was lost sometime prior to 4/24/2017. We moved it to higher ground but left it there until 5/16 in the hopes the original owner would return for it. If you have any idea who this belonged to, please help me get in touch with them. Based on the extent of damage, I think they may have abandoned i...
by Cowper
Mon Apr 17, 2017 12:23 pm
Forum: Lost and Found
Topic: Found on Caddo 4/16/17 - Kayak Paddle, below Glenwood
Replies: 0
Views: 8651

Found on Caddo 4/16/17 - Kayak Paddle, below Glenwood

I found a kayak paddle in the Caddo, about 0.7 miles downstream of the AGFC access at Glenwood. Call Caddo River Canoe and Camping to describe if you think it might be yours. Their website is
by Cowper
Mon Apr 17, 2017 12:19 pm
Forum: Lost and Found
Topic: Found- Waterproof camera on the Kings
Replies: 3
Views: 11837

Re: Found- Waterproof camera on the Kings

Thanks for doing the right thing!

In the past, we've had some luck with finding owners by posting any photos of people that you can download from the camera. Even if the owner doesn't browse this forum, it improves the odds because someone might recognize one or more people in the photos.
by Cowper
Sun Apr 02, 2017 8:28 am
Forum: Lost and Found
Topic: Found V-hull fishing boat on Cadron Creek
Replies: 0
Views: 3914

Found V-hull fishing boat on Cadron Creek

Gannon and Casey spotted an aluminum V-hull fishing boat in Cadron Creek a short distance above CCO, which Billy Williams and I recovered. It is about 12 or 13' in length, and has a very distinctive paint job - shark teeth on the bow, and the words "Clam Bandit" on the side. That said, the...
by Cowper
Sat Apr 01, 2017 6:40 am
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Wood Report, EFLB and Nogo Run (MF Illinois Bayou)
Replies: 0
Views: 705

Wood Report, EFLB and Nogo Run (MF Illinois Bayou)

Heads up forks, recent storms have left us some "presents" in our rivers. Here are the ones I know about: 1) EFLB - East Fork Little Buffalo Thanks to Bill Herring for this report on Facebook: "Heads up for wood on EFLB. Trees blocking end of 2nd gorge and 3rd gorge (aka Swinging Brid...